Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sitting in the hotel room in London all day was horribly boring.  Brian forbade me to go out with the lads, for they all needed to seem available.  I knew he wasn't trying to keep me locked up, but I missed them.  I wanted to see their shows.  

I got my own room in the hotel, which was nice for a change, but it felt so empty.  There were two beds, and the one I slept in I always made back up, even if the maid wanted to change the sheets.  The extra bed became my playground.  I made forts in the blankets and bounced around on the mattress to try to relieve my boredom, but it was no use.  And in the end, I put everything back the way it was and just sat by the window.  

I had seen London before, and it was lovely, but I desperately wanted to see it again.  And with all of the boys this time.  No rules and no expectations.  

Late in the afternoon there was a soft knock on my bedroom door.  Thinking it was just the maid, I said, "Come in."

"Brought you something." George said.  He held out tea and a sandwich.  

"Thank you!  I'm starving!" I said, taking the food from his hands.  I split the sandwich in half, knowing he must have been hungry too.  The shows and practices took up lots of their spare time.  They probably didn't get many breaks to eat.  

"No, it's yours."

"You're hungry too.  I'll feel guilty."

He ate it silently.  I knew it.

Looking out the window, he asked, "Is this going to last, Elle?"


"The hysteria.  The band, really.  Are...are we really going to make it?  Everyone says that we're going to fade in a few months.  Even Ringo thinks we aren't going to go too far." He told me.  

I looked up at him.  "Well, what do you think?"

"I want to believe we will.  I just...I can't think of anything else I want to do besides make music.  I want to believe that this is an adventure waiting to unfold for us.  And you," he looked at me, "you're here to guide us.  Make sure we don't do anything foolish."

Tracing my finger around the rim of the cup, I said, "I'm not sure if that's exactly why I'm here, George."

I could tell he wanted to say more, but then there was another knock on the door.  It was Ringo and Paul.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.  The lads themselves haven't had a chance to talk to me lately, and I was beginning to wonder if something happened.  

Paul shook his head.  "You've just seemed so lonely lately."

"So we've made a plan," Ringo smiled.  A mischievious smile played on his lips.  

They both were smiling proudly.  George smirked too.  He must have known about it also.  

Paul sat down next to me, and patted my hand.  I saw George's smile fade as he did this.  Even though we weren't dating, he treated me like I was his girlfriend.  In secret, of course.  As much as we hated to admit it, I thought we were both mildly terrified of Paul finding out.  He had just gotten over one girl and he didn't need another heartbreak on his mind.  

"We are going to sneak out tonight.  And we're taking you." He said, biting his lip in excitement.  

"Is John coming?" I asked.  

"Of course.  He gets lonely too, though he hates to admit it," Ringo said.  

I had a nasty feeling this plan was going to find away to nip us in the ass, but I went along with it.  I had been seeking such an adventure since we arrived.  "What time are we going to leave?"

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