Chapter Twenty-Three

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George's POV

I knocked on the door softly in the morning, afraid to accidentally walk in on her.  But she never replied, so I opened the door as quietly as I could.  

I hoped she didn't think I was strange for moving her last night; the couch was just so uncomfortable and she needed sleep more than I did.  

Paul had asked me to take her to the studio the next day, so I bent down next to her and whispered, "Elle, love, it's morning."  But she didn't even stir.  

She's beautiful.  Kiss her.

Elle did look beautiful laying there, practically showered in rose petals.  I didn't know what had compelled me to do that.  It could have been because I knew Paul wouldn't have treated her the same if she had spent the night with him.  

Wake her up and tell her all the lovely things she will never hear from Paul.  It's your only chance.

It was still so dark out in December, and I wondered if I just left her she would think it was night.  But I knew if she wasn't at the studio with me, Paul would get suspicious.  Just so she would have extra sleep, I left her when I got ready for work.  I found the red petals she had left on my trousers and dress shirt.  

I took a petal and twirled it in my fingers.  It reminded me of Elle, soft and delicate.  But I realized that if someone hurt her, she could be just like the stem of this flower: sharp and brutal, a thorn cutting your hand.  Thinking of the night that she and John fought in London, I confirmed my assumption true.  

"Do you want to know a secret?" I whispered.  "I'm in love with you."


I was reading the newspaper.  I had gone in and shook her shoulder (gently, of course) to try to wake her up.  "Good morning, Elle."

"Is Paul coming by?" She asked.  

"No, I'll drive you to the studio today."

We ate a quick breakfast, and she kept some of the petals in the braid in her hair.  Though, when she saw me staring at the bruises on her neck, Elle tugged her coat collar up so they wouldn't show.  "It doesn't hurt," she whispered, "Not now."

I didn't know what compelled me to do it.  Of course, I had wanted to for so long, but I couldn't.  I had almost did, when she was crying in the hall at the first sign of Paul's unfaithfulness.  Though, I did not regret it.  

Leaning in, I kissed her gently, holding her close.  It only lasted for a matter of seconds, but it felt like heaven on earth.  I was breathless when I pulled away, even though the kiss was painfully short.  

The look on her face stopped my heart.  She just stood there, frozen, as though I had just stabbed her.  No emotion, no feelings at all.  

But then after about a minute of utter silence, Elle put her hand over her heart and said, barely audible, "Ouch."

I did the same. 

Elle's POV

Oh no.  

You've really done it now.

But as much as I hated to admit it, I lost all feeling for Paul in those few seconds.  My whole mind went numb, though, in a good way.  He was so gentle, so nervous.  It was sweet.  

Then he pulled away, and a pain in my heart flooded my entire body.  I felt dirty, as though I was still dating Paul but kissing another man.  And, for a moment, I wished I was with Paul.  

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