Chapter Sixty-Six

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At the studio the next day I barely spoke to Paul.  What was I supposed to say?  It really hurt when you hit me?  He seemed a bit nervous to talk to me also, therefore he didn't.  

After getting a drink of water, I returned to the studio, only to find that no one was in there except for George.  He was up on a rather rickety stool, trying to fix an album that was hung up that must have fallen down.  However, it was quite high up, and he was struggling to balance.  

"Careful," I warned, when he almost seemed about to fall.  He smirked at my caution.  Straightening the album, he said, "I bet you five pounds you're staring at my bum down there."  

I fake-gasped.  "George Harrison, I'd never!"  

Once the album case had been replaced, he started to get down when the stool fell out from underneath him.  Because he fell towards me, we both ended up on the floor.  

My head ached horribly, but George seemed amused, for he had landed right on top of me.  However, that didn't stop him from asking if I was alright.  My pained groan spoke volumes.  "I'm sorry, love.  That was my fault." 

"I don't want to be rude, but I'd like it if you would get off of me."  

He pouted.  "But I like it here.  The floor's been swept.  It's all clean."  The youngest Beatle was nose to nose with me.  

"George, someone could see us!" He tickled me, causing me to laugh and my voice to jump up an octave.

"Admit it, you like this-"

Then the door opened as he was about to kiss me.  Ringo blushed.  "Am I interrupting something?" he inquired.  George quickly got up, and offered me a hand.  I took it, brushing off my skirt and blouse.  Luckily, Ringo didn't say anything afterwards, but I could tell he was quite amused at what he had seen, or thought he had seen.  My face burned bright red for the next hour.  

Every chance he could get George would brush against me on "accident" or offer to help me put on my coat.  Or during songs or breaks when they were being lectured to he would wink at me.  It wasn't as flirty as it was before; it was more romantic than anything.  It was as though he kept trying to remind me of the night before, but how could I ever forget? 

At the end of rehearsal that day, as soon as all of the lads left, Paul timidly said, "Do you want to come home?  Back to my house?"  I never actually said yes or no, but followed him out.  

 He made me tea at my house along with dinner, never asking for any help.  I didn't speak to him until he directed this statement at me: "I broke my promise.  I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness, nor I want to hear it from you.  You can't forgive me for what I did.  I hit you, and I told you I never would."  Throwing his napkin down on the table, he got up.  I followed him.  

"Paul, I'm not sure if I can completely forgive you, but I know you were under the influence.  As long as I know you won't do it again-"

"I don't know my strength, Elle!  If John and the others weren't there to stop me, God knows what I would have done to you!"  He started jerking at the fingers on his right hand, the hand that struck me.  At first I thought he was just trying to pop his knuckles, but then realized he was trying to dislocate his fingers.

I took the hand before he could do any damage.  "Breaking your hand will help you as much as hating yourself will.  I don't know if I can bring myself to forgive you, but there's no way in hell that I'll despise you for it."  

Paul was miserable.  "I can't pretend I didn't hurt you.  If I did, I would think of myself like as horrible of a man as your father."  

Taking in a deep breath, I said, "There is a difference between you and my father, Paul.  A man once stated that a wise man learns from his mistakes, a fool does not.  Therefore if you've learned from this experience, it won't happen again.  You are a wise man, so I trust you."  As I let go of his hand, he looked up at me.  His hazel eyes seemed lighter.  "I'm going to go clean up and change clothes." I told him.  "I'll come back, and we can watch some television.  You look like you could use some relaxation."

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