Chapter Eleven

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Paul crawled into bed at least an hour later. I knew that because he practically jumped onto the bed. Obviously he was excited for his rest. 

He must have been a bit worried about the next day, or simply unable to find a comfortable position to sleep, but his movements were bumping me around. But thankfully I was able to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, I woke to him practically on top of me. "Dang it, Paul." I pushed him off of me, able to breathe a bit easier. 

Then he rolled in the middle of the bed and I scooted away from him. I couldn't fall asleep after that, so I got up and drank a glass of water. Once I came back up the stairs, I found Paul sprawled out across the bed. I spoke out loud as I pushed him back in his place. 

"I swear you're doing this on purpose. And if you weren't so cute with those fat, chubby cheeks, I would have pushed you down the stairs two hours ago."

I wished that he was awake. If he was, I would have kissed him. I felt bad for leading him on at Strawberry Fields the day before. I looked at his sweet sleeping face. His chubby cheeks, his unseen brown eyes, and his full, soft lips that I so desperately wanted to-

What? I was not fantasizing about Paul's lips. I knew this boy's game. He's probably the biggest player in Liverpool...

But he's just so cute!

I sighed. "Good night, Paul."

I didn't sleep though. Paul kept moving, moaning and groaning in his sleep. When 3:30 came around, I was tempted tie his arms and legs to the headboard, but looking at his face guilted me out of it. 

Eventually I fell asleep, but not for long. 

As soon as the sun came back up, I gladly smacked Paul in the face with my pillow to wake him.

"Wake up, sunshine." I said, with no ounce of happiness in my voice.

"Elle," Paul groaned, flipping over, "five more minutes." 

"I would love that too, Paul, but unfortunately people can't sleep whenever they want." I snapped, getting out of bed. He looked slightly confused, but then shrugged it off. 

I went into the bathroom, and splashed water in my face. The chill only could do so much, for I was still exhausted. 

Paul knocked on the open door. "Elle?"

"Yes, Paul?" I sighed, wiping off my face.

"You can stay here if you want to rest today. I'm sorry about last night. I'm just anxious to get in the studio. We've been working on new music, and we've got a bit of a tour coming up soon." 

When I turned to face him, my heart fell. I felt awful for snapping at him. He couldn't help his nervousness. I'd be anxious too. 

He was hard to say no to him with those big brown puppy dog eyes staring at me.

"I'm sorry for snapping, Paul. I'm just really tired. Plus I have more paperwork to file for Brian." I said, looking down at the ground. He lifted my chin up to meet my gaze, and he kissed the tip of my nose. I think it was the closest he ever got to me, and as much as I felt nervous, I also felt just right. 

Before I kissed him, I pulled back. 

"Um, you better get ready."

He nodded after a moment. 

When he was getting dressed, I played his piano for awhile. I didn't realize that he was behind me until I felt his hands on my back and stomach. I froze, partially terrified about what he was going to do. His soft grip gently made me sit upright. 

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