Chapter Three

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"Quiet! You're going to wake her up!"

"Awh! They're so cute!"

"Shh! You know John would murder you if he heard that."

"John and Elle, sitting in a tree..."

"Oh, stuff it, Ringo!"

I was a little bit disorientated when I woke up. My head was still on John's shoulder, and his chin was resting on my head. 

I had fallen asleep.

But I'm still stuck in 1963. In Liverpool. With the Beatles. 

Oh no. It wasn't a dream.

It wasn't a dream! I'm here with the Beatles! My life is made!

I'm stuck in 1963 with the Beatles. How am I going to survive?

I was starting to panic. The lads looked at me with concern. 

"Are you alright, Elle?" Ringo asked, kneeling down next to John and me.

"No," I began, my breathing getting really fast. "Because this wasn't a dream or hallucination. I'm stuck here in 1963. My parents aren't even born yet! Terrible things could happen. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm throwing everything off. 

"Calm down, Elle," Paul cooed. "It's alright. We can find a way to get you back home."

"But in the mean time," George said. "It's best we keep our heads. You're safe here, Elle. Nothing's going to happen to you."

My breathing began to slow. "You're right."

I got up, and so did John and Ringo. I didn't realizethat John was holding my hand until the boys started snickering. John let go, not meeting my eyes. Was he blushing?

The lads started to tease John, and I blushed at a few of the things that they said. 


I supposed that holding someone's hand in that time was a big deal, because they wrote a song about it. 

It always made me laugh to think that their music was completely radical at that time. I mean, I Saw Her Standing There? Truly scandalous.

The lads had stopped messing with John, and went upstairs to get cleaned up. I sat down on the couch, and I realized that I had something in my pocket. 

It was my phone. For some insane reason, it still worked. Three bars in 1963. Not bad. 

Paul was the first to come down first. I stuffed my phone back in my pocket, not wanting to have to explain that to the Beatle. When he was halfway across the room, there was a crash from upstairs and a shout. 

I tried to hide laughter when he sighed and said, "Whatever that was, I'll clean it up later." His usual smile returned. "Would you like to go for a walk?"

"Of course."

We headed for the door, but he stopped me. "You're going to need some new clothes, and a coat. It's quite cold outside."

He shouted to the others upstairs that we were leaving. John called back, and whatever he said made Paul look at me and blush. 

"Well, come on then, Elle."

I was thankful for my sweatshirt, because it was quite cold outside. We were halfway down the street, I said, "Paul, you don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do. If you're going to be staying here for awhile, you need to dress like you live here." He didn't stop to look at me. But then he added in a hushed tone: "And people are staring."

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