Chapter Four

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I woke up to a cloudy day. Paul was reading the newspaper in one of the chairs, his hair tousled and top buttons of his shirt undone. He smiled when he saw that I was awake. 

"Well, good morning, Elle. I was thinking I was going to have to wake you up myself if you slept much longer." He said, folding up his newspaper. "We have to leave at midday." He got up, and went to the kitchen, bringing back a few items in his hands. 

"I figured that you might be here for awhile, so I went out and bought you these." He handed me a hairbrush and toothbrush. 

"Oh, wow, thank you so much." I sat up, rubbing my eyes. 

"We have to get ready. I'll change in the bathroom."

I went into the bedroom, shutting the door tight behind me. I didn't want Paul getting any funny ideas. 

One of the outfits that I got was a cream-colored blouse and a dark blue skirt. I pulled on the tank-top I wore underneath the sweatshirt and my skirt when I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror. I couldn't see what Paul saw. The only things I saw were the bruises on my neck. 

Then Paul walked in on me. Thank God I had clothes on.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Elle. I didn't know that you're up here..." Paul's brown eyes wandered to my neck. He gasped. "Elle, what happened?" His calloused hands gently brushed my neck, and I was surprised that it didn't hurt. 

" was an accident. Nothing bad." I pushed his hand away, and started to tug on my blouse. 

"Elle, that looks like it hurts. Please tell me what happened." He sat down next to me on the bed as I buttoned up my shirt.

"You really don't care," I mumbled. "You're just being nice."

"That's not true. Come on, Elle. Tell me, please." He begged. How could I say no to those big brown eyes?

By not looking at them, that's how.

"I'm sorry, Paul. I just don't feel comfortable talking about it." I said, looking down at the floor. 

"I-I guess that's alright. But you know that you can tell me anything, right, Elle?" He said, tilting my chin to face him. I nodded, lost in his eyes. 

"But you can't tell anyone about this, Paul." I said, motioning to the bruises. "Not even the others."

He nodded too.

We were silent for a moment, and then Paul smiled. "You look nice today." I looked down at floor, blushing slightly. I thought this was an interesting remark from someone who spent more time on his hair than I did.

"I think you look better." I said. He did look very nice in his suit. He smiled too. 

"You're right. I look better than everyone else," He held his head high, and smirked. Then he smiled playfully. "I'm just joking with you." He stood up.

"Come on. We're going to be late." Paul said. His hand found mine, and I think both of us were surprised for a moment. He lead me out to the car. 

Once we arrived at the studio, Paul pulled me aside for a moment. 

"The others might be a bit...funny with you." He warned. 

"Funny with me?"

"They're going to poke fun at you, and you're going to have to take it. I would say something, but John would kill me for it."


And Paul was right. Because the first words out of John's mouth were: "Oh, there's the animal!" George and Ringo laughed. Paul played along too.

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