Chapter Eight

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Elle's POV

I was pressed against Paul when I woke in the morning. He always seemed to find his way next to me. I don't know if it was on purpose, or if he just gravitated to the middle of the bed. Our noses were touching, and my lips begged to feel his, but I resisted. 

I began to slip out of his arms when he groaned, "Stay with me, love."

"Paul, we're going to be late for our train. We don't want Brian on our case. Again." I mocked his accent, which was pretty fun. 

"Five more minutes, Mother." Paul pulled his pillow over his head. 

"You sound like me in the morning before school."

After a few moments, he said, "Elle, are you ticklish on your neck?"

"Why? Are you going to tickle me?"

"I'm just wondering. I want to get to know you better."

"Mmm hmm." I hummed accusingly. 

"I'm serious."

"And I'm protecting myself from future tickle attacks."

He opened his bright eyes. "Well, if you won't tell me, I'll find out." He buried his face in my neck, knowing that it would drive me crazy. 

Surprisingly, it didn't sting as much as it tickled.

"Paul! Paul, stop it!" I laughed. "Paul!" He was so persistent. I tried to push him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. But then I figured I could do the same with you. I began to tickle him. 

"Oh, Elle, stop! I'm ticklish!" 

I chased him around the room until our sides hurt from running around and trying to tackle each other on the bed. But soon we were interrupted. 

"Will you two behave like adults and get moving?" Brian fumed. "We've got a train to catch."

Paul and Brian exchanged a few more unpleasant words before he left to talk to John. 

"Hurry up. We've got a train to catch." Paul mocked as soon as Brian left. 

I quickly got changed in the bathroom, washing my hair and face. I pulled on a dress that was light green in color, like the shade of new spring grass. My slightly damp hair was incredibly curly. That happened sometimes when I got it wet. 

When I came out and was packing my suitcase, Paul said, "You look different."

"Different how? Different weird?"

"No, you just look really nice today."

Did I not look good the day before?


Paul surprised me by reaching over to my neck. I instinctively backed away, thinking of my father.

"I-I won't hurt you, Elle. I wanted to see your necklace." He said, his eyes looking guilty that he scared me. 

"Oh, it''s a locket. From my mom." I took the small pendant in my hand, and held it so he could see. 

"It's beautiful." 

"Thank you."

John walked in then. He smirked at us. "Once you're done examining Elle, would you be so kind as to help get George up?"

I looked down at the ground to hide my blush. Paul stuttered out a reply and left with John. I finished packing as Ringo came out. 

"Morning, Elle."

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