Chapter Forty-One

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"Elle, God damn it, wake up!"

I woke up to bright lights and George's face inches from mine.  I pushed him away from me, only to find that I could barely move with my muscles screaming in protest.  My entire body was shaking, even though I had been lying underneath two thick blankets.  

George threw his arms around me.  "Thank God you're alright.  When you fainted I thought I had lost you for good.  What were you thinking?  Never mind.  You don't have to answer that right now.  Just please...don't leave me like that again."

"What...what time is it?  Ouch, George!  That hurts!"

He let go of me.  "I'm sorry.  It's rather late.  You should get some sleep."  Turning off the lamp light, he said, "Don't worry about me.  I'll sleep on the couch."

"Wait," I said, stopping him.  "Will...will you stay with me?"

"Of course."

George was still in his suit, so he went into the bathroom and took everything off, and managed to put on a pair of sweatpants.  As he laid down next to me, I shivered, which caused my muscles to ache.  "I'm so cold." I whispered.  

He pulled the blankets around me, and attempted to wrap his arms around me, but everytime I whimpered in pain.  I must have hit the concrete quite hard, for I almost had scratches all over my arms and neck.  I also soon found out that the back of my head was bruised too.

"Here," I whispered.  I rolled closer to him, tucking my head in between his shoulder and neck.  Then he was able to find a way to wrap his arms around me.  I still continued to shake though.  

"It's alright, Elle.  Are you comfortable?"


The sensation of him lying next to me was so strange, for it felt like we had been fighting for ages.  That morning he had been furious with me, and now I was in his safe embrace.  Many things could happen in twenty-four hours.  

I was shaking so hard I began to cry.  "George, that was so scary."

"I know, I know.  But you won't feel better if you don't sleep."


"Elle, go to sleep."

Eventually I did fall asleep, but it was deep and dark, with dreams I hadn't the slightest clue on how to escape from.  

"What on Earth happened last night!"

These words woke me up from my deep sleep, and I began to tremble again.  I tried to hold still for as long as possible, but it was no use.  George awoke only a few moments after I did, for he could feel me shaking.  

He stretched, and hearing the shouting in the living room, he swore and shot up out of bed.  He ran into the bathroom and quickly put on decent clothes.  In good time, too, because only a few moments later did Brian burst into the room.  

"Elle, please tell me what happened.  I pray you know." Brian asked.  I quickly tried to cover myself up.  Even though I was still in my dress from last night, I felt indecent.  

"Hey!" George said.  "She's barely up.  Let me talk."

"Not now, George.  Elle-"

"Brian, we should go somewhere else-"

"George, please-"

"Listen to me!"

"Stop it!" I shouted.  I felt incredibly dizzy, like I was going to faint again.  "I almost killed myself last night!  Are you happy!" 

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