Chapter Nineteen

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Elle's POV

How could I have done that?  

And to think I was angry with Paul just for looking at other girls...

If he knew about what happened in the basement, he would have been livid.  I almost kissed George, one of Paul's best mates.  

And the most horrible part about it was I cursed the fact that it was John who walked down the stairs.  For if it would have been Paul, I would pulled George right into my lips, just to feel the satisfaction of seeing the hurt on his face and the tears in his big brown eyes.  

Elle Sullivan, you are evil.  How dare you hurt both Paul and George just to get vengeance.  

Hadn't the Beatles taught you anything?  There was no time for fighting in life.  

Paul had apologized before we left, but it was hard for me to speak to him on the car ride home.  He felt bad, and did every polite thing possible, like holding all the doors open for me, but he had no idea what had happened just hours before.  

I took a bath that night, and after I had put my nightclothes and brushed my teeth, Paul had laid out a place for me on the bed, but was pulling a pillow and one of the blankets downstairs.  

"I thought that you might want me to sleep downstairs tonight." he explained, and then continued to do his own thing.  

I sat on the bed, feeling a horrible concoction of guilt and sadness swirling in my stomach.  Why was I holding something as silly as looking at other girls against Paul?  Just because he took care of me doesn't mean he had to find me the least bit attractive.  

There wasn't much to love about me.  He must have figured that out.  

I laid there for awhile before I realized he wasn't coming back up.  No goodnight hugs.  No laying in his arms as I tried to fall asleep without dreaming of home.  No more little kisses to wake me up in the morning.  

As I stared up at the dark ceiling, I thought of him laying down there, all alone in the cold living room.  Why did he have to be by himself?  

Carrying another blanket and pillows down the stairs, I heard him wiggle around in his covers.  He didn't make a bed for himself on the couch.  He just laid out a little make-shift bed on the floor.  

He must have heard me, because he said, "Where are you going?"  It almost sounded like he meant to say, Please don't leave.

"I'm not going anywhere.  I just got lonely." I replied, remembering that he said the exact same thing in London.  I laid down the blanket so it covered us both, and crawled right next to him.  

The young Beatle spoke in an inquisitive tone.  "Elle, if you could have left tonight..."

"I wouldn't have." I replied, thinking of the almost-kiss.  Well, in truth, both of the almost-kisses.  

Paul shifted his position so that I could see him, and he could wrap his arms around me.  I didn't realize how cold I felt until he held me.  I didn't know if I could feel any more guilt than I was feeling right then.  

You little liar.  How dare you lie next to him and think of kissing George.

I was so close to him, and often wondered how this had happened.  How did I, Elle Sullivan, travel back in time and manage to...stay with Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr?  How did I manage to fall in love-

No, Elle.  No way.  

"The music you were working on today.  It sounded really good.  It reminded of..." I went on to talk about all of their new soon-to-be hits, and how it compared to a lot of older rock and roll.  I could even tell that he was smiling in the darkness.  

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