chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After Ethan left the room. Not once Rachel closed her eyes, the feeling that you are living with the devil himself was keeping her awake. She has never seen Ethan this furious, she knew that he liked to keep his feelings reserve, and she always believed that he was almost incapable of hurting a fly, but she mentally shook her head at how wrong she was.

But now she cannot waste her time thinking how unfair life is, she needed to escape before Ethan comes back, but before she can think of anything the door flew open.

She didn't even that realize it had been two hours since Ethan left the room, she was so preoccupied in her thoughts. His pace was so slow, as if he was a predator who was just about to attack his prey, and he didn't break eye contact with her once, his eyes were saying so much and Rachel knew she was going to regret her decision once he was finished with her. Ethan was wearing a button up white shirt and black jeans, his glorious physique had the power to make any girl drool, but his magic wasn't working on Rachel today. She was used to this having a hot boyfriend for such a long time but what she wasn't used to was overpowering him.

Rachel's both hands and legs were tied to the bed, she started to shake her arms and legs vigorously even more once she saw Ethan getting closer to her and he also saw the blood on her wrists which meant she was trying to break free, but it was an attempt in vain since the ropes were too tight.

"It really breaks my heart you know, to see you struggle so hard for something you can't even achieve. I mean, I get that you want to be free and escape this hell." Ethan slowly ran his fingers on her right leg making her shiver but stopped suddenly once he reached her thighs "but don't hurt your beautiful body for that." He dug his nails vengefully in her thigh "only I am allowed to do that."

Rachel tried her best to hold back the tears, she didn't wanted to have him the satisfaction of her pain. But after trying so hard she failed and let out a whimper of cry "Please don't do this." Ethan smirked and finally let go of her thigh but continued to show his victory smile at her.

He jumped on the bed with her, tackling her, having both his legs around her waist. Rachel lost her voice for a few seconds, she wasn't expecting that at all, and then his hands started moving freely around her upper body admiring her curves. Rachel flinched but due to his heavy weight upon on her she found herself trapped under his body.

Rachel thought this was it 'this was the moment when he will force himself onto me'. She saw a moment of weakness in his eyes, a moments of lust because before marriage they both made a pact of abstinence for a month to make their wedding night special.

But before Rachel can think of more dirty things that he can do to her, Ethan removes his one hand from her waist but only to take something out from his back pocket. Rachel tried her best to not show the curiosity filled in her eyes, but as soon she sees what's in his hand the curiosity is soon replaced by fear and she finds herself screaming for help.

There was scissors in his hand.

Annoyed by her wife's loud screams Ethan raised his hand and struck her on her left cheek which turned red instantly, baffled by his action Rachel found herself crying soon after. Since this was the first time she has been hit, to this day nobody has even laid a finger on her, not even her parents, and soon after she found herself fuming with anger, Rachel raised her head and crashed it with his. Ethan was a little taken back, he lost his balance and almost fell off the bed, but he soon recovered and found himself pulling her hair while placing his one hand on her mouth, his face was merely inches away from her, his breath was ragged and heavy, and soon the whole room suddenly went extremely quiet, Rachel saw a flicker of mixed emotions in his eyes but soon that emotion disappeared and his eyes were filled with cruelty once again. He leaned in even more closer to her and said,

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