chapter 1

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"love hurts people ..... pain changes people"


chapter 1

Ethan loved being alone since he was a little kid, that's why he always loved coming to his family cabin which was located in the middle of nowhere, and was covered by deep forest from all directions. His parents were really confused when he asked their permission for to stay at the family cabin to celebrate his honeymoon.

But when he explained that how he wanted peace and some alone quality time with his new bride, they agreed and gave him the keys to the cabin reluctantly. Just like everybody else they were too unable to see the hidden dark purpose behind Ethan's request, nobody saw what was coming. All they saw was a newly wedded couple who seek nothing but each other's company. 

His eyes surveyed his surroundings, taking everything in piece by piece, and he soon found himself drifting in the beauty of nature and his childhood memories. As he sat there at the porch that belonged to this old cabin in his dad's old rocking chair, he took a big sip from his mug which had his favourite fresh coco coffee, he savoured the taste and took in the magical view in front of his eyes, he had just gotten married fifteen hours ago.  

But he was becoming annoyed now, because of the high pitched screams which were coming from the cabin. He prayed to lord that maybe if there was some silence, he can enjoy his coffee. And can spend some time in peace but no such luck, he knew the screams weren't going to stop anytime soon.

He got up from the chair and was reminded of the reason for which he chose this place and everything became much more clearer to him all of a sudden. He has planned this encounter several times in his mind, going over at it again and again, he wanted everything to be just perfect, he wanted to greet his wife in the best way possible.

He goes to the kitchen where he picked up the tray and made his way to her. He got up really early that morning to prepare her favourite breakfast, he picked up some fresh lilies from the backyard, he knew how much she loved lilies. He knew how she only only drinks hot water in the morning so he also had coffee mug which was filled with hot water.

He climbed the old stairs which led him to a narrow hallway, and soon afterwards he started making his way to the master bedroom. Where she was was waiting for him, he remembered his parents used to stay in the master bedroom while he and her sister got the room downstairs when their family used to come here to spend summer vacations. 

This was a special place to him, he had so many memories from this place, and doing something so sinister which he was about to do scared him a little bit. He was starting to question his intentions, for a second he thought he can still cover up the damages but no it was too late to turn around now. His lips curled up in a twisted smile and he could feel his evil intentions seeping through from his bones,  after all 'She deserved it'  the voice in his head kept saying this to him again and again. 

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the screams getting louder and louder. He stopped in front of the master bedroom from where all the screams were coming from, his palms were sweaty when he touched the doorknob.

He took in the view front of him and his worried expression was replaced by a satisfied smirk. He enjoyed seeing his newly wedded bride tied to a mattress, blindfolded and screaming on top of her lungs. And she was still in her wedding gown, this was a sight worth seeing according to him.

There was no doubt in that, that Rachel was a beautiful woman. And it made him even happier that now she was officially his. Ethan and Rachel were high school sweethearts. And when they finished college Ethan proposed to Rachel and she gladly said yes. But he didn't love her anymore the way he used to do two days ago not after what she told him.

He slowly made his way to bed and placed the tray on the nightstand. Recognizing somebody else's presence Rachel stopped screaming. She knew nobody can hear her. But it was worth the shot she just couldn't admit defeat yet.

"good morning sunshine" and with those words Rachel's blindfold was ripped from her eyes before she can even take in the view in front of her, Ethan spilled the hot water which was in the coffee mug on her face.

She screamed in pain, the burning sensation was killing her. Ethan made sure that the water was hot enough so that she would feel pain, he didn't want to burn her face. It was a bit too early for that, but he did made sure that she would feel thousand needles stinging her, on her face, he wanted to hear her screams.

Rachel was still feeling that burning sensation but she finally managed to open her eyes. Ethan was sitting next to her face and staring at her, over the years she got used to this, she knew how much Ethan loved staring at her. But not today, today she saw the real evil in his face and it scared her a lot, knowing that she was trapped here with this man that once she used to love.  

Ethan saw the terror in her eyes, this made him even more happier and gave him some kind of strength.    

'"Are you scared of me dear? You know why I am doing this to you don't you?"

Rachel just simply nodded because she was too afraid to know what would happen if she disobeyed her new husband. And also because she knew, she knew why Ethan the man of her dreams was now a psycho husband, who was after her blood. It was her fault but she didn't deserve this. Nobody deserves such drastic punishment.

Ethan sighed and slowly starts stroking her wet hair. She flinches at first but she knows there is no point in defying him anymore, as long as she is tied to a mattress.

So she lets him stroke her hair, satisfied by her reaction Ethan finally breaks the silence.    

"I hate doing this to you. You deserve so much better, but you made me angry and you know how I am when I am angry. We will have to do a lot of talking and explanations for our actions this weekend."

For a second Rachel has some hope, maybe she can control him. And after the weekend he will get arrested and so she can easily divorce him. But the only tiny little hope she has gets taken away from her when Ethan finally reveals his plan.

"Because I want to know, no no... I deserve to know why did you cheat on me, before I kill you in the most inhuman way possible in this world."

And after this revelations Rachel eyes were wide open with shock and were filled with horror, she began pleading for her life.

"Please don't do this baby. We can work it out, I was stupid and I was crazy for doing something so horrible to you please forgive me."

'If you are going to come up with an excuse I suggest you come up with a better one. Because we have a whole weekend ahead of us. And I don't want to kill you now. First I want to have a little fun. So I am going to leave now. And you should work really hard on your excuses my bride." with that Ethan gets up from the bed and picks up the tray and leaves the breakfast on the nightstand.

But before leaving the room he opens all the windows and says

 "And another thing it's freezing out there so I am leaving all the windows open. I told you I am not going to be nice. And if you want anything ..." he made his way to the bed again "just scream darling" he gives a light kiss on her lips before leaving, and with that he leaves a terrified Rachel alone.

Rachel was happy that he was gone for now but she knew she was trapped. And her only obstacle between her and her freedom is her psycho crazy husband who is planning to kill her in this weekend. She was helpless and she was about to cry but then the door flew open once again.

"Sleep well my perfect bride we have a long day ahead of us I will be back in two hours" Ethan said those words in a sing song voice. And the door was closed again. Rachel cried and cried but no one could hear her, no one can help her.

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