chapter 13

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“I knew nothing but shadows and I thought them to be real.” 
― Oscar Wilde

chapter 13

Once Rachel was unconscious Ethan took a hold of her limp body to prevent her from falling. He dragged her by her shoulders to the back door of the cabin.

There he puts her limp body by the stairs with the cabin wall as her support. He checks her pulse; to determine whether she was okay or not. The ground was wet due to snow so he had to make sure she stays warm, he takes off his blazer and puts it around her shoulders.

Ethan realises this is the correct time to freak out now. 

He realises the depth of his deed. He just attacked Rachel; and he doesn’t even know why?

Call it a moment of panic. Yes panic, this is what Ethan exactly did he panicked. When he saw that snowmobile he forgot about everything, his only concern at this time is now to not get caught.

Ethan ran his finger through his hair; and starts pacing around Rachel’s limp body. He didn’t know what his next move should be, but of course he knew he had to do something about Rachel. He can’t let escape the only witness and in this case his victim also.


And in fear of getting caught he silenced Rachel for a little while.

“What have I done?” Ethan muttered to himself while pacing back and forth.

He finally came to a decision, he need to check the perimeter; before he can jump to any conclusions. And that required leaving Rachel here alone, his mind and his heard argued with each other.

The sun was already set now, and the thought of leaving Rachel here alone by the stairs in this cold winter scared him. But his brain finally won the war and besides his doubt, he knew he had to leave Rachel alone here for a while.

He kneeled down in front of her and said:

“I am really sorry for this.” And in a matter of seconds he took off. But before he can do that he placed a light kiss on her cold lips.

He tip toed his way to the front of the cabin where he saw the snow mobile parked. Ethan had a small flashlight in his hand; with the help of that small device he started examining the area.

There was no one here.

The key of the snowmobile was still in the ignition; and the snowmobile had forest rangers logo on it.

This definitely gave Ethan some confidence because for all he knows the snowmobile belonged to a forest ranger who was just here to analyse the area in this dreadful storm.

Nut there was no one here; so where did that person go. Ethan turned on his feet taking 360 degree angle turn.

His eyes met a red smoke cloud.

Of course the warehouse. Which he blew up, when he was done with it.

It must have attracted some forest rangers attraction. He saw a trail of light footsteps; they were almost vanished due to the snow.

But they were still visible; it meant that they were fresh. Maybe an hour or half an hour ago somebody must have created them, Right before sunset.

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