chapter 4

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“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.” 
― William Shakespeare

chapter 4

The cabin in the woods where a newly wedded couple was staying to celebrate their honeymoon was silent. The quietness screamed sadness, the stars begged for some joy. The white snow now was now stained from dark crimson blood, this blood belonged to a woman. Who has no face. She is standing in front of the porch, hands twisted in inhuman ways and screaming 'you did this… you did this to me.' 

Ethan woke up from his nightmare as soon as he realized that the woman in his dream was Rachel. He was Gasping for air because the sight which he saw in his dream was absolutely terrifying. His body relaxed as soon as he realized it was just a dream… ‘Just a dream’ ‘Just a dream’ he chants to himself.  

He takes a look at his wrist watch, it was around midnight and he had been out for almost four hours which means Rachel had been down in that dark basement for at least five hours. Ethan was only planning to keep her down for like two hours but his little accident with his guilty conscience has failed his plan.

Nevertheless he still needed to go get her as soon as possible, with every second his thoughts were becoming much softer about her. Just the thought of losing Rachel to somebody else now made him mad. She was her's and nobody can take her away from him, and he can do whatever he wishes to do with her. Now his mind was filled with determination again he was not going to be soft but first he needed to get her upstairs so that he can have more fun.

He tried standing up from the couch but his legs didn’t support his body. He took a look at his injured leg and cringed at the sight, after all who thought that the punish yourself part would be so painful? With the support of his hands he was finally able to get up from the couch balancing himself on one foot, he bit his tongue hard. The pain was unbearable, it felt like thousands needles were stinging him on his leg. 

He tried walking but he failed, Ethan realized he won’t be any help this way, he needed medical attention first. Bouncing on his left foot he made his way to the bathroom he took the emergency first aid kit from the drawer, he balanced himself with the support of wall and sat down with his back to the door. He tore up the part of his jeans where he injured his thigh and it was clear that he needed expert medical attention but that was out of option. Ethan needed to operate on himself or else his wound will get infected, he took the antiseptic liquid bottle in his hand and poured it on his leg… god he tried so hard not to scream or cry but it seemed as if the universe had something against him. 

 He bit down on his bottom lip to distract himself, it kind of worked because now he had new pain to focus on. He was pretty sure that his lip was bleeding now too, he focused all his mental energy on his wound, and then he started applying stitches with his shaky hands. He was not a professional but he was a dentist, so that did give him some experince in this field. He looked at his unclean stiches and muttered to himself 'guess that will have to do', he got up from the bathroom floor and made his way to the basement door. 

All his courage fades away as soon as he touched the doorknob, all the harsh thoughts in his mind goes away; he has a weird attraction to her. It was not love he was sure of that but there was still something which was stopping him from going all psycho on her. He took a deep breath and opened the door and switched on the lights. After a few steps he saw her on the right exact spot where he had left her. 

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