chapter 14

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In violence we forget who we are. 

~Mary McCarthy

Chapter 14

Confusion, utter confusion that’s what Ethan felt right now. Standing before him in all his charming glory was his elder brother, Derek.

Derek was Ethan’s stepbrother; he was five years older than Ethan.

Derek still remembers that day very clearly when his father told him about the woman he was in love with, and he intended to marry her.

Derek was about eight at that time, at first his reaction was ‘cool. Can I go now?’

But when he learned about the two new kids who will live with him from now on, he got furious. He didn’t like sharing, not one bit.

Later that day, his dad forced him to go on a dinner with him where he will get to meet his new family.

When he was waiting at the table with his father, he saw a woman in her late twenties coming towards them. She was really beautiful and the thought of her becoming his new mommy excited him a little.

But she wasn’t alone; she was holding hands of two very scared children. One of them was a girl and the other one was a boy, both of them were hiding behind the woman who held their hands. 

Derek’s father never told him at that time from what both of these kids have been through, he just simply said ‘they have had a tough life Derek, go easy on them.’

But he wanted to tear them apart, how dare anyone steal his dad from him. But when Derek saw those innocent faces especially his step sister, Marie. He relished his inner demons and extended his arms to welcome them.

He absolutely adored Marie, she was vibrant, full of colours they got along quickly. But when his eyes meet Ethan’s dull face, he didn’t know what to do.

But over the time Derek learned to live with it, he became so close to his step mother, that he can’t even remember the last time when he called her by her first name. He always called her mom and so did Marie with her new dad.

But Ethan always kept his space, he enjoyed the loneliness.

In his teen years Derek realised that no matter how much he tries, Ethan will never open up to him, so he continued with his usual habits.

The usual included, play regular pranks on your brother, always push him in hallways, make fun of him, make him feel uncomfortable by boy talk.

Derek and Ethan only shared a special bond when it came to Marie. They both were always keen to protect their baby sister.

Ethan never actually tried bonding with Derek, he was just his annoying step brother who liked girls a lot and was a player. He never actually liked him or disliked him. 

So it was quite unexpected to find him standing in front of him, on his honeymoon.

“You didn’t answer my question.”  Ethan asked.

“And the question was?” Derek asked while scratching his forehead.

“What are you doing here?”

“Oh come on brother, when did you become so boring. The question is not what; it’s why I am here.” 

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