chapter 5

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A crying girl sat in the bathtub, she cried and she cried. But to her avail no help came for her, she was not being attacked or neither she was physically hurt. She was hurt emotionally, and the pain she felt in her heart was a lot crueler than a physical one.

Just an hour ago her classmates played a prank on her. For them it was only a joke, but Rachel has never felt so humiliated in her life. College was tough she knew that, but she never knew that people she believed to be her friends will betray her like this. What would her teachers will think of her now? Her parents? And what about Ethan?

These questions surrounded Rachel's mind, just a week ago she joined her new college. Before leaving her home behind, she and Ethan agreed that it would be best if they broke up. Because both of them knew long distance relationships never work out.

Rachel was starting to regret her decision, she missed Ethan. She missed him so much; sure they agreed to be just friends. But Ethan was a catch, by now some girl would have definitely claimed him.

Funny how life works when they were together, not once they thought about their future. They were just two crazy teenagers in love, but now high school was over. As the thoughts of Ethan started troubling Rachel again, she mentally slapped herself. It was her idea to break up in the first place, so why was she being such a baby about it now?

Her thoughts were interpreted by the large banging sound that came from the bathroom door. It must be her obnoxious, rude, emo roommate.

"What do you want?" Rachel asked from the other side of the door. She was not crying anymore, she was too tired to do that.

"There's someone at the door for you, madam. And I am not asking any questions for you. Do it yourself" her voice was filled with rudeness. 

Sometimes Rachel wonders why she is so lucky. First her classmates then her roommate, the loveliest people in the world were saved up for her only by god. 

Rachel finally steps out of the bathtub and fixes her hair, before going out to face the stranger who is waiting for her. She enters her bedroom to find her roommate siting on the other side of their room. Rachel makes her way to the door. When she finally opens it, she is greeted by that one person who can just make her day with a smile.

It was Ethan, in all his glory. He looked cute today not sexy or masculine, his hair was combed back. Which was not normal for him, he was the type of guy who generally doesn't care about his appearance. His white shirt was tucked inside. He was wearing black jeans, funny because Rachel has never seen Ethan dress up so much. Was he going for a job interview?

"Ethan what are you here?" Rachel stuttered, she was so confused.

"I came to see you love" Ethan gave her one of his world famous warm smile. After weeks he finally decided on what to do, since he and Rachel have broken up. He felt so incomplete.

"But we broke up... I meant... We are... just come inside, will you?" it was weird for Rachel too. Because all she wanted to do now was throw herself at him, but she needed to be strong. It was her decision after all to breakup.

"No I can't. It needs to be done now" Ethan said while rubbing his hands and pacing back and forth in front her. Rachel was getting so much confused now. "What needs to be done?" she asked curiously.

Ethan looked at her and all his doubts were gone in an instant, All his anxiety gone. He kneeled down in front of at her on one knee, searched his left pocket in his jeans. And took out a tiny little golden box. And he said "this" while slowly opening it.

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