chapter 10

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"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."

- Leonardo da Vinci

chapter 10

People say emotional pain is much harsher than physical one. But somehow we always end up hurt in both ways, emotionally as well as physically.

Rachel woke up after what seemed like eternity to her. The darkness soon surrounded her when she tried to make Ethan stop from forcing himself onto her. She kicked, she cried but at the end she finally started feeling dizzy and gave up fighting. As a result she passed out for a few hours.

When she opened her eyes at first everything seemed a little blurry to her and plus she also didn’t know why did she pass out. Then her brain shifts to active mode and pretty soon the flashes of her struggle danced in her mind.

It was too much to take in. the guilt and remorse was killing her, but the feeling of being abused overpowered all the other feelings. Which left her fuming with anger; “Ethan sexually assaulted me”

Her mind started playing these words again and again until she opened her eyes fully in one attempt. She was awake and fully aware of her surroundings, which told her that she was being watched from behind.

“What happened? How long was I out?” Rachel didn’t need to look behind to check who was eyeing her. For sure it was Ethan.

Ethan felt a little uncomfortable watching her now, since she was awake. He was not stupid. Ethan knew that no matter how much he tried now, he can’t make things go back as they were before. The time when they both were just two people who were madly in love and nothing else mattered.

“You passed out due to dehydration. Almost an hour ago.”  Ethan turned his back to her while answering. It wasn’t like she can see him anyway but he just couldn’t t bring himself to look at her. In fear that he might see the reflection of the real evil monster that he was in those poor glistening, pleading eyes which begged him to stop. But he never did.

“Oh” that was all that Rachel could speak. She felt as her throat was burning due to all the screaming. If it wasn’t for Ethan the first thing she would have done probably would be drinking water as her life depended on it. 

But his presence was burning holes in her soul. She tried to find a reason to forgive him, but she got none. So she focused all her remaining energy only on one emotion which was hatred. Hatred for her husband.

She was covered in a blanket which  surely didn’t belong to her. Rachel took a quick peak under the blanket to see that she was still wearing cloths, that’s a relief.

When Ethan saw her examining the blanket. He explained her that how and where did he find it. He was looking for spare cloths for Rachel when he found the blanket on one of the shelves.

But Rachel wasn’t listening to his magical story on how did he ended up finding this magical blanket. Her eyes were fixed on the hammer which was hanging on a nail some few steps away from her. Ethan was behind her and he was far away from the door, which meant maybe she can escape if she outruns Ethan.

“Helloo, did you even listen to anything that I was saying.” Ethan words wake her up from her lucid dream plan.

“I am sorry. What?” Rachel tried her best to not create any suspicion. She was not sure if it was going to work but what can be worse than being sexually assaulted by your own husband.

Ethan sighed and placed his hands in his jeans pocket before saying

“I said the wolf pack is gone now. They found a deer nearby lurking so they choose the deer instead of us. We can leave now… can you walk?”

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