chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"She's upstairs sleeping." Ethan lied; the only thing in which he was a master was being a liar.

Ethan himself didn't know why he did that, call it a reflex. But it was too soon for him to get caught yet, too soon to give up yet.

Derek knew he should be convinced by his brother's answer but the nagging feeling in the back of his head which was telling him something was not right from the beginning, confused him.

Why would Rachel message him saying 'come and get me', if she was sleeping peacefully upstairs. Maybe they had a fight? He thought.

And Ethan's sinister smile which was now missing a tooth kind of supported his claim.

"Shall we?" Ethan entered the cabin and waited on the door patiently for his brother.

It was Ethan now who had the upper hand now, Derek has never seen his little brother so confident, so welcoming? He had only come here to this cabin once so this was a different for him but on the other hand he felt like he was invading Ethan's territory.

"Of course." Derek gave a faint a smile to Ethan, and very carefully entered the cabin.

Derek's mind was now clouded with so many thoughts, and some of them were telling him to not poke his nose where it didn't belong. But he just couldn't control himself from asking

"So where were you guys?"

"Huh?" Ethan locked the front door with a loud thump and he went to living room to turn off the TV.

Derek knew he was playing dumb "I was here a few hours ago, and I saw that the front door was locked."

Ethan's reply came from the living room

"Oh Rachel just kept begging me to take her to the lake, and so we were gone for few hours." Ethan entered in Derek's sight while holding a table cloth, and he was wiping his hands with it. "You remember the lake, don't you?" wow another lie; I am on a roll, Ethan thought to himself.

Not buying any of it Derek nodded "of course the lake, and can I say what a convenient weather you picked for sight-seeing."

The Aurora was slightly different now, the playfulness was now long gone from Derek's attitude.

"Well you know how reckless and surprising she can be," Ethan took long heavy steps to be face to face with his brother.

"That's why she married you right, because she is so reckless." It wasn't supposed to come out from Derek's mouth but it did anyway.

Derek knew Rachel before his step brother, he used to work part time in Rachel's mother restaurant when he was in high school. Rachel always had a little crush on him when he used to work there, but that was in all past now. Since he was the one who actually introduced Rachel to Ethan in the first place.

Ethan dug his nails in his palm, trying his best to refrain himself from punching Derek in the face. He knew how Derek always made him feel like he had some kind of claim on Rachel because he met her first.

Ethan wanted to say so much, he just realised that he wasn't just angry at Rachel, he was angry at his brother too. But instead of throwing a punch Ethan laughed;

"Oh you and your jokes brother."

A bit stunned by Ethan's reaction, Derek smiled faintly to hide the uneasiness he was feeling right now.

"Anything, to make my little brother happy."

This made Ethan feel opposite of happy, but he decided to play along for a little while,

"Let's cook dinner."

"Dinner?" Derek was now becoming unsure on how to react.

"Yes, I mean you're already here, we might as well eat too."

"I am not sure how Rachel will feel about this; you know how possessive she is about her kitchen." Derek was trying to read Ethan's face by taking Rachel's name again and again.

"Right" Ethan threw away the table cloth on the far side of the living room "you must be really tired, let me take you to the bedroom." Ethan thought if his brother wanted to play then he was all up for it.

"Oh I don't want to be a burden on you, I am sure I will find it on my own."

"I know you can, but the thing is I can't have you wandering around my cabin now can I?"

Derek's whole body shook with uncontrolled fear from inside when he noticed how Ethan empathized on the word 'my'.

Ethan notices how his presence was affecting his brother, it made him feel powerful, and now he wanted to see how much more he can affect his brother by his actions.

"Follow me, I am sure you can find some clothes in the closet." Ethan took Derek to a bedroom which was present on the first floor. "Watch your steps, these stairs are really old."

Once they were both standing in front of the room, Ethan opened it and stepped back to let Derek in.

Derek analysed the room, it was nice and comfy. He turned around to say thank you but before he knew it Ethan was long gone.

But he could still hear Ethan's light footsteps on the stairs;

"If you need anything, I will be downstairs." Ethan's faint voice came from the living room.

"Got it." Derek replied while closing his bedroom door.

He was feeling so tired, suddenly the thought of having some sleep gave him a warm feeling.

He took off his shoes then his coat; he was undoing his shirt's buttons when he felt it.

A hand on his back;

He turned around frantically and without taking a look on his attacker's face, which he was sure was Ethan. He elbowed that person and then pushed that person to the bedroom wall, then he took a hold of that person's neck by his right hand.

But the sight in front of him made him grasp with shock, it was not Ethan and it wasn't definitely a he.

His attacker or so he thought was actually Rachel.

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