chapter 9

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"It's Hard To Get To Heaven, When You're Born Hell Bound."

- anonymous

chapter 9

What is acting? Some people say it's an art. That cannot be taught, you are born with it. Or some people are just natural, they don't get any recognition because their acting takes place in real life not in reel life.

Just like Ethan, he is a marvelous actor. Since his disturbed childhood all he has done is act, acting was the only possible way to fit in this world for him. Where people are judged on so many things perhaps on the basis of their childhood or on their education, family background and so many other things.

He learned that he wasn't going to be normal a long time ago, when his mother sent him to a psychologist when he was little, in that office he understood human nature. His psychologist suggested Ethan's mother that Ethan was not normal, he was a time bomb. And that he should be sent to a professional, who deals with special cases like Ethan.

But his mother never agreed to her suggestion since she was still convinced that Ethan does not remember what his biological father did to him just like his sister. And besides Ethan's psychologist all pleads, his mother never agreed.

So after 20 years, that time bomb was going to blast. Since the age of 4 Ethan knew he had to act normal, to fit in. To have a normal life. And he almost had it, until the love of his life destroyed him emotionally. So he wanted revenge, all he wanted to do was teach this world a lesson and of course his bride also. But the sane part of his brain stopped him from doing so.

Ethan locked the warehouse door once he and Rachel were both inside. A little too terrified Rachel turned around to ask "why did you lock it?"

"Look through the window and you will know."

Rachel slowly walked to the small window to look outside; this place has been abandoned for a long time now. "Oh my god" Rachel gasped at the sight.

"Yeah I know, the storm is back. Now stop gasping and help me find the fuel barrel." Ethan was already going through the different stuff present in the warehouse to find gas. He placed his axe on the table while doing so.

"Yeah sure." Rachel genuinely started looking for the barrel. Since heat was necessary for both of them.

After a few minutes of searching Ethan found that barrel and couldn't help but express his excitement "yeah bitch. Come to daddy."

"Yeah right you are the daddy!!" Rachel said sarcastically while catching her breadth since she was really tired due to all the searching.

Ethan picked up the barrel in a position where they both seemed to be hugging each other and turned around to look at her and said         "who's your daddy?" while smirking at her.

"My daddy is your father in law remember? Now stop making out with the barrel, it's embarrassing my dear husband. We must leave now."

"Yeah sure let's go outside in the storm and freeze ourselves to death." Ethan replied mockingly.

"so what do you propose we do, I mean we can't stay here with this barrel." She moved to the window to take a look outside the window "I mean how bad it can be after all... oh my god!!"

"What's wrong?" Ethan ran towards her almost dropping the barrel in process. But Rachel didn't replied back she was frozen at her spot. "What's wrong?" Ethan asks again this a time a bit too loudly.

Rachel places her index finger on his mouth "shhhhh look outside" she says in a barely audible voice.

Ethan does as he was told to do and sees a very frightening sight. He saw a small pack of wolf wandering outside their warehouse, sniffing everything. And at last they knew that there meal was inside this small abandoned warehouse.

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