chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The cabin was a really old, It was built when Ethan wasn't even born, his grandparents were the original owner, from outside it looked fine but from the inside it was clear that it needed repairing. The ceiling and the floor both were in desperate need of paint and on several places it had been decayed too. This personally gave a creepy haunted house feeling to the cabin.

The voice of dripping water from the ceiling woke Rachel up. The first thought that came to her mind was where is she? The last thing she remembers is Ethan picking her up from the ground, but why did she pass out in the first place? Realization of his crime hits her just like Ethan did with a shovel.

"That bastard!!" Rachel muttered to herself. She swore if she ever got out of this situation alive, she would make sure to make his pay for what he did to her. Her head felt heavy to her but when she tried to examine it, she was unable to do so because her hands were tied to the back of the chair on which she was sitting.  

Rachel tried to observe her surroundings, she was having a hard time in making out shapes since all she could saw was darkness. Then a light switch was turned on and the place where she was held captive lit up like a Christmas tree. It took some time for her eyes to adjust to the bright light. The first thing she saw was a tall figure leaning on the wall in front of her. His hands were casually folded against his chest, no matter how much Rachel tried to convince herself that this man wasn't Ethan she couldn't do so because this man was indeed her psychotic husband. 

In the last few hours she has found herself being tied to different things first it was a bed, now it was a chair. She was in the basement, it was neither big nor small it was medium, filled with tools, and old belongings of Ethan and his family, He then finally broke the silence.

"You are awake. So were you dreaming?" 

she was confused by his question but even in this desperate situation she felt the need to say, "Duh!" 

Ethan didn't like her new attitude but decided to ignore it just this time, "oh pardon me milady I meant were you dreaming about your freedom? Because that is the only thing that you can't have anymore."

From confusion her expression changed into hurt, she refused to look at his face when he tries to mock her in this humiliating situation. She tried her best to keep the tears from falling but she was having a hard time in accomplishing this task.  

Ethan was expecting a rebellious answer from her but instead she kept her head down and sniffled in her tears. Furious by her reaction he took angry steps toward her until he was merely inches away from her, he grabbed her chin a little too harshly "you would look at me whenever I ask you a question. Is that clear sweetie?" he got no response.

"Why are you making this so difficult?" he bends down in front of her so that his face was now in the same level with Rachel's, "I want to look at your traitorous face when I talk to you, have I asked too much?" Rachel nodded to his threat but still refused to speak any words.  

Ethan let go off her chin and placed both his hands sideways around her face "That's my girl." he whispered in her ear. Rachel was unable to hide the evident shock on her face; a minute ago he was so rude to her why the sudden change of heart? 

Ethan was still unsure of his feelings towards his wife. He wanted to punish her for breaking his heart into million pieces because there was a time he would have died for her because that's how much he used to love her, and a part of him still loved her. He knew his feelings just can't die in two days, and these mixed emotions were driving him insane. 

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