chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Derek must have forgotten to remove his hand from Rachel’s throat since her face was becoming bluer by every second. 

“Rachel?”  Derek finally asked but his hand was still on her throat.

Rachel gasped for air and she wasn’t able to utter a single word she used both of her hands to punch Derek in his torso for several times until he finally let her go. 

As soon as he removed his hand, Rachel fell to the ground unable to balance herself on her feet. Her face hit the hard wooden floor, she curled up in a ball, since she was really cold.

When Ethan left her by the stairs, she managed to stand up and walk away from where he put her, she hid in the shadows when he came back for her and had his little meltdown where he threatened to kill her. 

Rachel was tempted to laugh at him but she decided against it, cold air soon started getting to her, her fingers were numb and her mind was playing tricks on her.

Rachel decided she can’t stay in the shadows forever, she made her way to the cabin and picked the back door lock by her hair pin.

She randomly picked a room upstairs and decided to hide in it until sunrise.

But to her surprise, the room she picked was the same room in which Derek entered, she recognised him by his voice.

She wanted to hug him so badly once he closed the door, he came for her, he came to save her, Rachel finally had some hope.

Rachel tapped Derek’s shoulder to make him aware of her presence but his reflexes got the best of her.

She whimpered on the hard wooden floor like a baby until strong hands lifted her up and hugged her.

“I was so worried, thanks god you are okay.” Derek’s soft voice fanned her ear.

Rachel was shivering, she couldn’t even register what was happening. Derek placed his one hand on her forehead to check her body temperature.

“God you are so cold.”

He picked her up again in bridal style and placed her on bed. He finally looked at her, she was in a nightgown and a coat that barely provided any warmth not to mention it had white snow on it.

What was she doing outside? Derek thought to himself. But he soon puts all his doubts aside and starts rubbing Rachel’s feet, he does this for the nest two hours. 

Rachel finally manages to open her eyes, she was in a bed and she had a blanket on. Wait who did this? She gets up from her back in one quick abrupt motion.

Rachel finds out why she can’t move her legs, she couldn’t move them because Derek’s head was resting on them, she was trapped. He was sleeping in a very uncomfortable position but he still looked really peaceful. For one second Rachel actually stopped to admire his features, although Derek and Ethan were not blood related but they still had some very common features.

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