Chapter 3

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Josh's POV

Science, what a bore of a class, just filled with nerdy people even though today we were discecting animals, which is kind of fun, i mean who wouldn't love cutting some poor dead animal up.

i pulled out my pocket knife and stab the frog that was laying pinned out on a tray in front of me, i kept stabbing it till i over heard two guys a few rows away from me taking about me and i have a feeling why, but i decided to just sit there and listen in. I pulled out a cigarette out of my pocket and turned on the gas tap that was on our desks and light it with on fire and put the ciggerette in my mouth and light up my cigarette ith it. I knew i would get in trouble for thing but i didn't care... well until my friend Jeremy that i work with my grabbed it out of my mouth and put it out.

I looked up and saw the two guys looking at me and getting eye contact with them and they quickly looked away while i kept stairing at them until the bell rang through the room.

My next class was wood and metal work, i was minding my own business again until the two guys in science walked up to me.

"Hey listen...." he said but i cut him off drilled a big hole though his book he was holding in front of him with my drill.

"ok.... later then" the guy said and walked back to his other friend who stood away in the distance.

At lunch i sat at a table with Jeremy watching all the freaks of the school go about there business in the lunch room, where i spotted the two guys from earlier, one of them walked over to Travis' table i dont know why cause this guy was a nerdy kind that didnt belong in there group but i watched him and travis discuss something that i think he agreed to do.

Lunch finished and it was time for PE, me and Jeremy didn't participate in it so we sat on a bench, i pulled out another cigarette and pulled out my lighter and lit up the cigarette while Jeremy just watched me smoke it

"do you want one?" i asked Jeremy

"no im good" he said

Suddenly Travis Clark walked over to us, i dont know why but whatever he was wearing no shirt showing off his ripped body and a pair of sweat pants.

"i ate some great beef last night" Travis said

"um do i know you?" i said confused as to why he told me he ate 'great beef' but i did know how he was.... everyone did.

"see that girl out there with the orange hair?" he said

"um yeah thats Hayley Williams, why?" i asked

"i want you to go out with her" Travis said

"yeah right" i said and laughed at him

"look i want you to go out with her so i can date her sister Erica... you see everyone knows there mother is wacked out and wont let her date unless Hayley dates...."

"thats a touching story but it's not my problem now is it" i said looking out at Hayley playing soccer

"would you... make it your problem if i paid you?" he said

"what? your going to pay me to take out Hayley Williams?... how much?" i said laughing

"say.... $20" he said as we watched Hayley knock some girl down to the ground

"ok... make that $30" he said

"listen if i take her to the movies that what? $15, we get food and all up thats $75" i said standing up and facing him.

"look trailer park $50 take it or leave it" he said

"we have a deal pretty boy" i said to him and he handed over $50 and walked away.

The girls playing soccer finished up there game and i spotted Hayley jogging over to her bag. "Perfect" i thought to myself and walked over to her.

"Hey there, how are you?" i said

"um sweating like i pig actually and your self?" Hayley said

"thats a lovely way to get a guys attention" i said with a chuckle

"well thats my mission in life... but i guess it stucked you since your standing here talking to me" she said and started to walk away but i quickly caught up to her

"i will pick you up on friday night then" i said to her

"oh yeah friday... yep" she said in a joking matter

"i will take you places you have never been before" i said

"what? taking me to 7/11 down the road?" she said

"nope" i said

"do you even know my name screw boy?" she said

"i know more then you think" i said to her

"i doubt that" she said and walked off again but i didn't try and catch her, i just stood there and watched her walk away.

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