Chapter 5

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Josh's POV

The next morning i walked into school dragging my feet down the hallway to my locker and shoving some books into it, until i felt the presents of someone stairing at me, i closed my locked door and there stood Travis.

"when i give you $50 i expect results" Travis said

"well im onto it" i said

"watching that bitch volate my car dosen't count as a date. if i dont get any, you dont get any, so get some" he said and walked away but i stopped him

"i just upped my price" i said

"what?" Travis said and turned around to face me

"yeah $100 a date... in advance" i said

"forget it" Travis said

"well then forget Hayley's sister then" i said and then he looked at me and walked back over digging money out of his pocket

"you better be as smooth as you think you are Farro" he said handing me the money and walking away.

I was in my metal work classroom again when the two dorky kids from my sicence class walked into and came to me.

"look we know what your trying to do with Hayley Williams" they said

"is that right? and what are you going to do about it?" i asked them 

"um help you out!" one of them said 

"look my man Kellin here has a major crush on Erica Williams" he said

"what is it with this chick?, dose he have beer flavored nipple or something?" i said

"Kellin's love for Erica is pure and much better then Travis Clark" he said

"look im only doing this for the cash" i said

"Josh, let me explain something to you. WE set this whole thing up so Kellin here can get the girl, not Travis" he said

"so you two are going to help me tame the wild beast?" i said

"absoultly!" he said 

We'll do some research and find some things she likes" he said

"now lets start here" he said and pulled out a flyer "this party is on friday night EVERYONE is going to it, it's the perfect time!" he said

"perfect time for what?" i asked

"to take out Hayley" he said

"i'll think about it" i said and walked away.

That night i went down to the club in town, the music was pumping through the place, ciggerette smoke filled the air and well i was contributing to that, i walked over to the pool table and started to play with a few other guys that hang around here every night. Soon i see my little helpers, Kellin and Vic walk over to me.

"so what have you got for me?" i asked them

"well we found out a few things, i went over to the Williams' house this afternoon with Erica and we went into Hayley's room and found black underwear which mean she wants sex or something Erica told me, next she hates smokers, and apparently she like pretty guys" Kellin said

"so your telling me im not a pretty guy?" i questioned them

"yeah yeah your a pretty guys" Vic said

"oh yeah and she loves rock music.... here is a list of cd's i found in her room" Kellin said handing me a list. I looked down it and most of it was the same bands i listened to.

"now have you ever been to the Enmore?" Vic said

"because Cute Is What We Aim For is playing there tonight and Hayley is going to be there" Kellin said.

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