Hate That I Love You

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Chapter 1.

Hayley's POV

The day was bright and you could tell summer was on our door step, i climbed into my beat up red car ready to drive to school, also know as my living hell with imature jerks.

I stopped at a stop light and had my windows down and No Doubt blasing through my car, i look to my right at the car that pulled up beside me, it was my sister Erica and her firends. They all looked at me disgusted in my music taste, i look back at the road in front of me and rolled my eyes at them and took off once the lights changed to green.

I arrived at school and parked my car grabbing my school bag from the passanger seat and made my way through the crowds of people hanging around the front of the school but i made my way into the school but stopping on my way to pull a stupid prom poster down. yeah most people here know me as that bitter bitch that couldn't give a damn what people think or thought of me.

Josh's POV

"Just another day of this hell" i thought to myself as i made my way to the principal, yeah i was always in trouble here, most of the students are scared of me, i dont know why though maybe it was because i couldn't give a damn about anyone here and i was a bit of a rebel, looking to cause some sort of trouble.

I walked to the door of the principals office and let some new kid passed as he walked out the door

"Joshua Farro, i see our weekly visits are becoming a ritual" Mrs Taplin said

"only so we can spend these moment together... should i uh hit the lights?" i said to her sarcastically  

"oh very clever Mr Farro" she said looking serious

"It says here you exposed yourself in the lunch room" Mrs Taplin said

"i was joking with the lunch lady" i said

"Next time keep it in your pants ok?... NOW OUT OF MY OFFICE!" Mrs Taplin said looking back at her laptop on her desk and i walked out.

Hayley's POV

I headed into my first class which was english, again not many people liked me in there nor did the teacher because i had an opinion on everything even though the teacher was pretty laid back.

"ok class what did you all think of the book i gave out last week?" Mr Diviney said

"i loved it, the guy was so romantic" said one girl

"romantic? the guy was an abusive alcholic who kept his left overs to nail" i said cutting her off

"opposed to a bitter self rightous hag, who has no friends" said Travis the guy who sat behind me who was also the schools rich hot shot model.

"quiet Mr Clark" Mr Diviney shouted

"i guess in this society being a male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time" I snapped back at Travis

Suddenly Josh bust through the door way of the class obveously late again

"what did i miss ?" Josh said

"um everything that dictates our education" I said looking at him

"good" he said and turned around and walked back out of the room

"Mr Farro where do you think your going" Mr Diviney tried to say but was too late

"Mr Diviney is there any chance Hayley could take her Midol before she comes to class" Travis said with a smirk while his friends around him chuckled

"some day you are going to get bitch slapped and im not going to do a single thing to stop it" Mr Diviney said

"Hayley i want to thank you for your point of view, i know how difficult it must be to over come all those years of middle class depression... it must be tough." Mr Diviney said scasticlty 

"anything else?" i said

"yeah you can go to the office cause your pissing me off" Mr Diviney said

"what Mr Diviney..." i tried to say

"LATER" he said

i picked up my books and school bag and made my way out of the class room and to the office.

I walked into Mrs Taplin's office she was of course on her laptop typing away and talking to herself, i knocked on the door to get her attention.

"ah Miss Williams i hear you were terriorising Mr Diviney's class again" Mrs Taplin said looking up at me

"Expressing my opinion is not terroist action" i said

"The way you expressed your opinion on that other boy Oliver who you kicked in the testicals" She said

"i still think he kicked himself in the balls" i said

"the point is Hayley some people see you as some what of a... how can we put this? a 'bitch' a term that is used most often... you might want to work on that" she said and i smiled

"thank you now off you run" she said

"well thanks for you awesome guidence" i said and walked out of the office. 

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