Chapter 10.

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Josh's POV

After lunch a thought came to mind, i needed to do something to catch Hayley's attention yet confess to her how much i do care and love her.

Before the end of lunch bell rang i walked down the hall way of school to the music rooms and grabbed a guitar and smiled to myself as i picked it up, i waited for the bell to go thinking over my plan.

Minutes later the bell rang through the school and i knew Hayley had Math after the hallways cleaned of students i started to play the guitar and sing really loudly that everyone in all the classrooms could hear me.

"...this heart it beats, beats for only you..." i sang over and over again as i walked through the door of her math class.

Hayley looked at me and smiled shaking her head slightly as i kept sing the line of the song i wrote.

Soon the teacher looked at me with an angry expression on his face and pushed me out of the room.

"Mrs Farro did you think it was a good idea to disturb my class!?" the teacher yelled at me

"it was worth it" i said with a smile 

"I will see you in detetion this afternoon" he said and handed me a piece of paper.

Hayley's POV

Josh walked into my class singing a song to me, i was shocked that he would do something like that for me, i guess it was a way of trying to apoligies to me so he could talk to me again with me not ignoring him and i guess his little plan worked cause soon my teacher pushed him out of the room shouting at him and we all heard the teacher give him detention this afternoon and i know he shouldn't be there so i thought i might as well try and get him out since i know the teacher running detetention which was my soccer coach.

I walked into the detetion room looking at the full room of people that have done something against the rules and Josh sitting in the middle of the room with his head on the desk but soon lifted his head when he saw me walk to the front of the class to the teacher.

"hey um Mr Wilson can i talk to you for a second?" i said

"sure what i can i do for you miss Williams?" he asked

"i have some ideas on how we can improve the girls soccer team" i said

"oh great!... lets talk about it later" he said and turned back to his desk

"no wait" i said grabbing his attention while trying to give Josh a signal to climb out the window of the room

I continued to talk to the teacher moving him around so he wouldn't notice Josh missing and as soon as i saw Josh jump out the window i walked out of the room

"bye Mr Wilson it was great to talk to you about those plans!" i said and closed the door smiling.

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