Chapter 14. FINAL

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Hayley's POV

Me and Josh were still dancing and have a great time until Travis pushed in and pulled Josh away from me, something was up and i doubt i was going to like it.

Josh's POV

"hey what is Erica doing with that little shit Kellin, i didnt pay you to take that redheaded thing out for nothing?" Travis said pushing me away from Hayley

I Knew Hayley just heard he was paying me, i looked at her and she looked upset... i probably wouldn't blame her.

"nothing in it for you huh Josh?" Hayley yelled at me and walked passed me shoving me out of the way.

I turned and went after Hayley but soon stopped after i heard Travis punch and push Kellin to the ground while everyone crowded around and started yelling and chanting stuff to them, next i saw Erica walk over and tap Travis on the back, he faced her and Erica punched him hard in the face yelling "THATS FOR PUNCHING KELLIN" and then she punched him in the face again "AND THIS IS FOR HAYLEY" and she punched him on last time twice as hard "AND THIS IS FROM ME" she shouted and pushed him to the ground and walked away.... he diserved it after what he has done.

I went back after Hayley and found her upstairs on the balcony 

"Hayley would you let me explain" i said to her while i walked over

"you were paid to date me? by the person i hate the most, i trusted you Josh... i should've know this was fucking set up" Hayley yelled and turned to run back down the stairs

"Hayley it wasn't like that" i yelled running after her again and grabbed hold of her and spinning her around

"oh really? what was it like Josh, a down payment and a bonus for sleeping with me? she shouted

"I DIDNT CARE ABOUT THE MONEY HAYLEY, I.... i cared about you." i said to her

"you are so not what i thought you were" Hayley said and i grabbed her again and kissed her, she shoved me away and walked off back down the stairs as she was going to before.

~ The Next Day ~

Hayley's POV

I didn't want to think about Josh, i trusted him but he let me down by having Travis of all fucking people to be paying him to take me out. I didn't belive Josh even loved me at all, after all those things we did together i thought we really had something but clearly not.

I walked out of my house and sat on the railing of the varander around the front of the house, with my lyric books, writing some things down that would go great into a song about what happened last night.

"Here Hayley" Erica said walking out handing me a cup of my favorite tea

"thanks" i said smiling up at her 

"you sure you dont want to come to the beach with us? it will be fun" Erica said

"no, i'll be right" i said

"i dont know if i have already thanked you for going to prom last night but thanks again Hayley it ment a lot to me" she said with a smile

"not a problem, im glad you had a great time" i said and just then Kellin came up the steps for Erica

"hey" Kellin said to me

"hi Kellin" i replyed and waved them both off as they walked down the steps to Kellins car.

"hi honey, where is your sister off to?" mum said as she walked out the front door, clearly i cant get some peace around this place

"shes gone to the beach with Kellin" i said

"oh ok" mum said nervously 

"mum its ok, Kellin is a nice kid and they wouldnt get up to anything" i said

"thats nice to know, anyway how was the prom last night? your being a bit quiet" she asked

"it was ok" i simply said

"hm alright then" she said and walked off back inside.

The weekend went by quickly and it was now Monday again... back to school to face everyone.

As i walked down the halls it was weird not having Josh by my side hanging off me. I walked into my first class of the day which was English.

"so im guessing everyone finished the poems i set for homework?" Mr Diviney said and everyone stayed quiet

"Travis loose those glasses" Mr Diviney says and chuckles lightly to himself as Travis pulled the glasses off to show a black eye from Erica.

"ok who wants to read their poem out first" Mr Diviney said

I looked over to Josh on the otherside of the room and saw that he was looking away from me so i put my hand up

"i will Mr Diviney" i said and stood up and saw that i caught Josh's attention

"ok then here we go" Mr Diviney said

"I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair,

I hate the way you drive my car, 

i hate the way you stair,

I hate those stupid pair of vans you wear, 

i hate you so much it makes me sick,It even makes me rhyme, 

I hate the way that your always right, 

I hate it when you lie,

I hate it you make me laugh and i hate it the most when you make me cry,

I hate it when your not around or when you didnt call.

But most of all i hate that i love you" i said finishing the poem in tears stairing at Josh.

I sat back down in my seat and put my head on the desk letting the tears roll down my cheeks and i picked up my bag and walked out of the room with everyone looking at me including Josh with a sad look on his face.

The day came to an end and i walked out to the car park pulling my car keys out of my bag, i walked to the door of my car and noticed the windown down, i opened the door and there sat a brand new Fender guitar, the one i wanted from the music store in town.

"nice huh?" Josh said suprising me from behind

"a Fender? is that for me... or?" i said

"yeah i thought you could use it, since you know i had some extra cash, some dick head was trying to pay me to take out some great girl on dates." he said with a smile

"is that right Mr Farro?" i said with smile

"yeah but i screwed up and i fell for her pretty hard" He said

"really?" i asked

Josh brushed some hair out of my face and leaned in and kissed me and then i pulled away.

"you know you cant just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know?" i said

"yeah i know but then there is always, drums, bass, keyboards to add" He said with a cheeky smile and leaned in and kissed me again.

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