Chapter 11

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Hayley's POV

That night after getting Josh out of Detetion i met up with him and we decided to do a little date night. Josh came and picked me up and we went to dinner at an italian dinner.

"I cant believe you came and saved me from detetion" Josh said as we ate

"yeah well after that one annoying line you were singing over and over again i thought that you didnt need to be in detetion cause i loved it" i said with a chuckle

"so anyway what is your excuse for acting the way you do?' he asked

"i dont like doing what people expect me to do, why should i live up to other peoples expectations instead of my own?" i said

"well you screwed up" he said

"how?" i asked

"well you have never disappointed me in anyway" he said and looked and smiled at me and i smiled back.

We finished eating and Josh went and paid for our food and we left hand in hand.

"where do you want to go next?" he asked

"hm how about back to your place and we can watch a movie" i said

"ok lets do that!" he said and we got in his car and drove to his place, once we go there and parked out the front we sat there quiet it for a moment.

"you know Josh, i actually love you" i said and looked down at my hands in my lap

"hayley i do too" he said i looked up to him and he leaned over and kissed me.

We pulled away and climbed out of the car and walked to Josh's front door, he got the key out of his back pockets of his skinny jeans and unlocked the door to his house.

We walked in and he guided me up to his room upstairs.

"wow i love your room" i said looking around at, his walls were like mine, plasted with band posters and tour posters, a guitar sat in the far corner next to a window.

"thanks its nothing special" Josh said laying down on his bed.

I walked over to the bed and layed down next to him and Josh put his arm over me so we were spooning.

"i like being this close to you" Josh whispered in my ear. I smiled at his comment and i had to admit i liked it too.

"so which movie do you want to watch" he said

"do you have Wayne's World?" i asked

"yead i do!" he said

"well Wayne's World it is! i like that movie" i said and he got up and popped the dvd into the player and layed back down on the bed again.

By the end of the movie i was asleep, but then woke up as i felt Josh move next to me.

"oh crap did i wake you up?" Josh said

"'um no" i said with a yawn.

"hey lets chat for a bit" Josh said

"actually yes tell me everything about you that is the truth" i said with a smirk

"ok well i hate bees" he said with a smile

"no something real, something that nobody else knows" i said giving him a shove while he faced me and moved some hair out of my face

"lets see.... your sweet, sexy, too hot for me" he said and kissed my neck and pulled away to look at me and then i leaned in and kissed him.

"will you go to prom with me" he whispered as we pulled away

"is that a request or...?" i said

"come on please!" Josh begged

"no cause it is stupid" i said

"come on people wont expect you to go" he said

"what are you pushing this?" i said. 

Josh was silent for a moment

"whats in it for you?" i said

"oh so now i need a motive to be with you?" he said

"you tell me" i said with a frown on my face

"answer the question Josh" i said about to loose my temper

"no there is nothing in it for me just the pleasure of your company ok?" Josh said pulling out a ciggerette. 

I grabbed the ciggerette out of his mouth and through it on the ground and walked out of his room and walked home.

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