Chapter 9

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Josh's POV

I was down at the Soccer feild watching Hayley hoping to get a chance to speak with her cause i know she has been advoiding me all day, so i sat on the sideline on a bench chair and Kellin happened to be there too so we started to talk

"what did you do to her man?" Kellin asked about Hayley

"ugh i dont know she was probably too drunk to remember anything" i said

"yeah, but the plan was working" he said

"and why do you care, i thought you wanted out anyways" i said

"yeah i did but you gave me some advice to follow and well Erica kissed me" he said with a smile on his face.

"oh yeah? where?" i asked

"in the car" he said and soon Vic made his way over to us

"ok i got some details out of her she 'hates you with the fire of a thousand suns' and that is a direct quote from hayley" Vic said rubbing his hands together nevously 

"thanks Vic thats very comforting" i said

"maybe she needs a day to cool off?" Kellin said before a soccer ball was kicked right at us by Hayley death stairing us all.

"maybe two days" i said and got up and walked back into the main hall way of the school.

I was soon stopped my Tavis

"hey Josh" he said

"um hey" i said

"look here is $100, make sure you get Hayley to the prom and the money should cover everything you will need for prom" he said handing me two $50 notes

"look im sick of playing your silly little game" i said handing him back the money

"wait wait wait let see are you sick of $300?" Travis said pulling out more money, i looked at it and grabbed it and Travis walked away smiling.

School finished and i followed Hayley down the street to the local music store i stood around a corner and watched her look at all the guitars and she picked up a bright red Fender and started to play it, she was really good at playing, i walked closer to her but not too close that she would notice and then i left the store and waited for her come out.

Next she walked down to the record store and walked in behind her and followed her around the store but from another isle i watched her until she noticed me.

"oh hey do you know where the new Bring Me The Horizon record is? i seem to cant find it" i said

"ugh what are you doing here Josh?" she asked

"I heard it was pretty good" i said

"ugh your so annoying" she said and walked away but i stopped her

"you know your not as means i though you were" i said to her bluntly

"and your not as 'badass' as you think you are either" she said back

"looks like someone still has there panties in a twist" i shot back and she walked out of the store.

The next day at school i met back up with Vic and Kellin in line for lunch.

"your right boys she is still pissed" i said to them

"look you embarressed her" Kellin said and i know he was right i really did embarress her. 

I walked away the from guys and went and found a table in the lunch room and sat down and ate on my own.

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