Confessions Pt. 2

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After many comments, votes, and views I have decide to update a new chapter. For you guys of course :)

im not totally sure when Im going to update since it is summer I will be vacationing somewhere and I'm not sure theres internet and I'm far to shy to ask for the wifi password even if they are my family sowwy :/

But I am really going to try to squeeze in at least 2 chapters before I leave in 2 days, TRYING.

so im putting my creative juice to max and going to get this shit started!

But be sure to check out the new story im going to post soon so keep an eye out because it would really really mean a lot to me. I love votes and comments and views and yep yep yep :)

So thanks to 9,000 views on The Morticians Daughter, and here you go:






Chapter 17

I stare at Andy with wide eyes waiting for him to react. I'm frozen and the only things moving on me are the droplets of water forming a puddle before my feet. I can't take it anymore.

"Say something, anything." I whisper loud enough for him to hear me. He smiles, and I sigh, releasing the breathe I've been holding in.

"I love you too." And the words are out, immidiatly I rush to him pushing my lips firmly against his, excusing the fact that I'm drenched in water.

"How long have you been holding that in." He mumbles against my lips.

"I don't know, more than a couple of days, maybe longer. You?" I grinned into the kiss.

"Longer than you." He moves his hands from my face to my hips. I pull my face back.

"How come you didn't jump?"

"Too happy."

I beam up at him, moving my hands around his neck.

"Awwww, cute."

"Stop talking Emily." He shuts me up with a kiss and we move backwards. Towards my bed. Holy shit nipples! Are we? Can we? Of course we can. But? Am I really ready for this?

No you inexperienced fool

But I don't want to stop. This is too good. I toy with the mop of beautiful black hair on his head as we kisses down my neck, moving backwards at the same time. Andy's hands move under my shirt, his thumbs drawing circles on my hip bones. All too soon the back of my legs hit the back foot of the bed, and my breathing stops. As do my hands, and suddenly im frozen. This is heaven and hell at the same time.

He catches this, and his hands stop drawing those soothing circles. His lips stop kissing on my collar bone. Oh god, will he be mad. I close my eyes afraid to see his facial expression.

"Emily." He says. I open my eyes and his gorgeous blue eyes are staring back at me.

"You're not ready." It's not a question.

"I dont know. We haven't talked about this yet, I don't know. I'm not ready but I don't want you to be mad if you want this." I blush under his stare. He chukles.

"Emily, don't put my needs before yours. I can wait for you, we have all this time and when your ready we can do this. I'm not mad, except its a little nerving thinking you have to do something as big as this to make me happy if it's not something you want to do."

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