Lunch Interuptions

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"Okay, okay I get it. You are hungry." I shushed Ashley who had been talking the whole time about being hungry. All through spanish he would say: Emily, me muero de hambre. Then I would get in trouble for his talking.

Four followed me, to the cafeteria, saying hi to the bi-passers, who stopped and praised the band. Some girls giggled, some guys acted like they weren't "excited, and even some teachers stopped to gaze for a while, male and females.

"Finally. Oh, she's hot and she's got big--" I elbowed him the stomach as a big chested, skinny, girl walked .

"Get used to it, Emily, thats all Ashley has on his mind." CC chimed in laughing. "Remember that girl from L.A., she showed us her you know whats when we were performing, and--"

"Woah, okay, I know where this is going, let's not go into detail around the freshmans." I cut him off before he could finish.

"You know, you are the first girl I've met here who hasn't tried touching me wrong or raping me with there eyes." Ashley said slinging an arm over my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

"Maybe because I don't know you, and I'm not like that. You'll get used to the stares and such, I know." We entered the cafateria only to get more than a hundred stares.

"Why do they stare at you?" Andy fell into step with me, from wherever he had gone after class. I looked up at him and back to the lunch line.

"Because my father takes care of the dead," I answered. We got our food and looked for a table. "I must admit for a rock band you guys are pretty quiet."

"Trust me, this is just how we act at school. Wait till we get home." CC sat down across from me next to Becky, who inched closer to him.

"Great yay me. Can't wait-"

"Is she always this negative, Becky?" Andy jabbed a finger to me and turned to Becky. She blushed and nodded.


"What I'm sorry Emily, but you are kind of negative..." She looked at her lunch tray and blushed some more due to all the attention on her.

"Whatever." A group of sluts came over to our table tugging their shirts down a little. It was Tracy and her friends. They stopped next to Andy and Jake.

"Hey guys! I'm Tracy Shields as if you don't know that already. You see, a few of the girls and I just wanted to know if you put on a little show for us. Just to, you know, have a little show. The micro phone is already set and stuff. Oh and the rest of you guys can use the bands guitars and drums. In fact we already have it all set up." Tracy pointed a manicured finger to the stage we have for drama shows during lunch.

"Tracy I don't think Mr.-" I started.

"Shut it, Grave Girl. I wasn't even asking you so just sit there and be a nice little grave digger. Mkay?" I looked at Becky for help, but all she did was cower under the counter. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag, and tray, then headed for the door.

"She'll be fine." I heard Tracy say. I threw my tray of food away, and pushed threw the cafeteria doors. I didn't exactly have any idea where to go, so I decided to sit at my locker. So I was a little moody and short tempered today, but somethings just got me upset. Becky said it was my lack of fun, in my life.

Even outside of the lunch room I could here the Black Veil Brides singing away.

"Alone at last we can sit and fight

I've lost all sight in this blurring light

Stay right here we can change our plight!

We're storming through this, despite what's right!"

I covered my ears. That's didn't help one bit.

"One final fight, for this tonight


With knives and pens we made our plight"

My ears beat rapidly.

"Lay your heart down, the ends in sight

Conscience begs for you to do what's right

Everyday it's still the same dull knife!

Stab it through and justify your pride"

Becky came out of the room and walked over to me. "Emily, are you okay?"

I looked at her as she slid down next to me. "Just a few weeks....."

"One final fight for this tonight


With knives and pens, we made out plight!


I can't go one without your love, you lost, you never held on

We tried our best....turn out the light, turn out the light....."


Okay guys sorry for the long wait I had some personal issues in my life for a while, but here is the third chapter! I will update again soon. and sorry for the shortness, my fingers were cold so I decided to make this short so I could warm meh fingas! :)

Vote and fan and comment and yeah <3

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