Grave Mistake

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Recap of chapter 1

"No you paused my ipod..." she trailed off mid sentece right before I chased her. She weaved in and out of people because she was smaller then me. When I almost had her she squeezed through a couple, as I knocked into someones hard chest, knocking me to the ground.

"Looking for someone?"

Chapter 2

I got off the ground brushing my behind.

"Yeah I'm looking for Becky." I looked over Andy's shoulder searching the crowed for my at the moment soon to be ex best friend.

"Ouch, it hurts that you weren't looking for me." Andy held a hand over his heart.

"You know, you're such an ass for someone you've just met. Expecially for someone you've barely said a full paragraph too."

"You say I'm an ass, when you took my parking space..."

"I got there first!"

"You act like you dont know who I am..."

"I didn't even know your name until today!"

"Yet you still signed up for letting us stay at your house."

"My dad did without telling me!"

"Really? Why would he do that?"

"Why do you think I''m trying to find Becky?" I began to move around him.

"Oh, but don't you have to give us a little tour." Andy stopped me before I can run off.

"Well, if I can find Becky then I will," Pushing past him I walked faster trying to see after the crowed of people. When I looked back Andy was trailing behind me.

"Is there a reason you are following me?"

"What if you find Becky and need to give us a tour but Im not here because some prettier people then you couldnt keep there hands off of me and decided to swallow me alive. It's happened before." Wow what a douch.

"Thanks for the compliment. Oh Becky there she is!" I pointed to tiny Beck trying to open the gym doors. I ran up to her and caught her arm.

"Oh, hi Emily how did you-" her eyes trailed up to Andy standing behind me. Oh great she was going into complete shock. Her eyes grew big and all she did was stare at the rockstar behind me. Her jaw hit the floor and her hands went slack off the door.

"Is she okay? Do I-"

"Shut up. She's just in shock give it a minute then cover your ears trust me, do it." We were both quiet for a minute before covering our ears. At the worst time the rest of the Black Veil Brides showed up, right when she had her scream attack.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed and jumped right into Ashley's arms, embracing him like a teddy bear.

"Okay, Becky, back to earth lets get this over with so I can call my dad."

She unwrapped herself from Ashley then moved to Jake Pitts and then to CC and then to Jinxx stopping with Andy. Each one of them stood in an awkward position. Then. finally Becky went to her quiet self.

"Umm, okay you guys can just follow me. Come on Rebbeca." It felt wierd saying Becky's weird name but it just came out like that. Becky held on to my arm for dear life digging her nails into my wrist. I looked over at her as we walked out the gym doors, she gave me an apologetic look. I could feel all eyes on me as I walked down the hallways. Envy, jealousy, and hunger, screamed at me just from the looks from everyone.

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