Your Inner Raven Baxter

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Two more chapters left. Cross your fingers in the hopes of a good ending.

Chapter 48

“So you have no clue what your doing?” Dad follows me out of his room and into mine watching as I dig in the back of my closet for a duffle bag.

“I don’t, but I know someone who does.” I locate a bag and rush to my drawers throwing in piles of clothes. “If I end up far away, I have clothes and cash, I’ll be fine for a while. I’ll call you when I know what’s going on and where I am.”

I can’t say dad is completely okay with this, because let’s face it, he’s not. And he won’t be for a while but at least he’s not stopping me.

“And school what about school?” He’s throws his arms up in annoyance.

“Call in sick for me, I need like three week days off and one weekend if everything goes well. Tell them I caught something at work.” I push past him and into the bathroom shutting it to change out of my work clothes and into jeans and a t-shirt. On the other side of the door, dad lingers.

“Emily Brooks, don’t make me regret this.”

I throw open the door, my bag now packed and ready.

“You won’t, trust me.”

“I’m trying.”

“I’ll take that much. Please, don’t worry about me.” Dropping my bag to throw my arms around dad, I hug him tightly before releasing. His expression has faded into that of a hurt dog, before he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a wad of cash. Handing over more than enough, he shakes his head.

“Go before I stop you.”

I pound hard on the Becky’s front door oblivious to the fact that her family might be sleeping. On the third set of knocks, her dad opens the door, hair riled and beer belly bursting at the seems of his robe.

“Christ, Em what in Heaven’s name are you doing here? Y’all have school tomorrow, I think.” His not quite awake or aware of anything at the moment.

“I’m so sorry, Mitch but I need to speak to Becky, it’s an emergency.”

“You girls and your damn emergencies! You know what door it is…” walking away he leaves the door open for me and I am back in Batman mode; on a mission.

When I reach Becky’s doors I can already hear her typing away at her computer like a madwoman. She practically shits herself when I throw open the door.

“Emily! You scared the shit out of me? What the hell are you doing here?” Putting a hand to her heart she stares at me like I have corn growing out of me ears

“We need to go to Andy.” I step into the room and stand there panting after the many stairs I just climbed.

For a moment, Becky is confused, and then her expression changes bewildered to a little mad.

“Please tell me you didn’t just say that. Please. Did we not go over this five hundred times before with the same results? He doesn’t want to stay Emily, he doesn’t.” She pushes away from her desk and stands up to face me. For once, in this relationship, she’s the big dog and I’m the little one. I can’t hate her for being mad, as a best friend she’s just watching out for me.

“No, I promise you, this time is different. I know what I want.” Although, as I say this, I know she’s thinking about all the other times she’s heard this come from my mouth. I try a different approach.

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