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Hey, guys. Back again with another chapter, you are all doing so well with your votes so I try to do my best to update but the past two weeks have been crazy hectic.

On a serious note, I just want to make it known that I am available for any of you guys to talk to. I know some of you are dealing with depression, anxiety, etc., and I want you to feel comfortable talking to me, no matter what.


Remember to vote and comment your opinions.


DON’T FORGET to follow me on twitter @LetsBMelancholy


Chapter 29


“Emily. It’s time to go.” Dad appears behind me, a plate of eggs in his hand. “You’ll have to eat in the car.”

I stare at him through the reflection in the mirror and nod my head. It’s been two days since the hospital, and for some crazy reason, dad is sending me back on Friday. Well the school is, they gave me one full day to make up all the work I missed.

Yesterday was full of three meals, finishing all my homework, and Dad playing watchdog. My door is now kept open ‘at all times’ according to dad, and I have only ten-minute showers incase I try anything.

I can’t say I hate how everything is now, because I see dad a lot more. He only goes to work for a few hours between breakfast and lunch, and we actually sat down at the same table to eat.

His words at the hospital struck something in me. I can’t hurt everyone because of my own personal issues, but I still him. There is still a part of me that is broken, but I need to stay strong for dad and Becky. It still kills me, thinking about him. No one has said his name since the hospital, even Becky, who visited the minute we got home. They all walk on eggshells around me; I couldn’t be more thankful.

I’ve decided its pointless to try actually getting dressed in real clothes, so I am clad out in large tribal sweater and leggings. I don’t even bother with make up, and throw my hair in a messy bun.

Dad yells from down stairs to hurry up, and slipping on my converse, I grab my bag and follow his voice.

“Call me if you need anything, lunch…just try to make it through the day. Um, stay strong and Becky is always good to talk to.” Dad tries not to make eye contact when we get in the car. I nod and stare blankly ahead. My car sits in the driveway; Andrew dropped it off yesterday. I didn’t want to see him, so Becky talked to him for me while Dad grabbed papers from his office. Becky is still the only one to know about Andrew, and I would rather keep it that way, I don’t want any more drama with dad.

The drive to school is dead silent, the only noise is the honking of cars holding tired pedestrians and the occasional scrape of my fork against the plate of eggs. When we pull up to the school, Dad waves goodbye and I watch him pull way before turning to hell.

Memories of when he was with me flood through my mind, and I try everything to hold back my tears. It works this time. Taking in a deep breath of air, I hold my head up high and walk through the front doors, trying to wash out the memory of he and I leaning against the wall right next to the doors. Walking past the lockers, my breathing picks up as too many memories of him flood the hall.

I am fine.

I am fin.

I am fi.

I am f.

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