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Since my last update I have learned that

A) you all hate cliff hangers

B) you all really are capable of commenting!

Nah, I'm just joking, sorry if that came out harsh lol right when I posted that chapter everyone went on a commenting rampage and I loved it!

Just want to say thanks for your comments, good or bad, and here's another chapter!

Chapter 30

He doesn't see me.

He doesn't see how my heart has stopped and my breathing has hitched.

He can't see how the blood has left my face, and how my hands begin to shake.

He doesn't hear when my bag drops to the floor, all the contents spilling out.

Why doesn't he see me?

"Andy." I whisper. Why isn't he looking at me? Without my command, my legs move towards him, moving me closer and closer to the one thing I never thought I would see again.

When his back is lined up with my eyes, I use all my strength to tap him on the shoulder. He tenses, and turns around. But it's not him.

"What?" The boy with long black hair glares down at me with an irritated matter.

"...I thought..."

It's not him. He's not here. He's not coming back. It was all an illusion. I am delusional. I am insane.

"Dude..." the not-Andy-but-looks-like-Andy's looks from his friends to me. Why? Why are they staring at me like that? Because I'm shaking, that's why. I am violently shaking, and breathing so fast my head starts to hurt.

Mad tears, heavy with exhaustion are slowing dripping down my face, and onto my sweater. Why the hell won't he come back? Why did I screw everything up?!

"I didn't do anything...she just started crying?" Who is he talking to? I can't see anyone beside him and me. God, he looks so much like Andy.

I feel a heavy impact at my side, and thin arms are rapping around my shaking body.

"Emily, you're okay. I'm here. It's's's okay..." Becky is whispering in my ear, so only I am able to hear.

The boy and his friends are walking away with confused expressions etched across their face. I feel sorry for him, having to see me like that.

"Let's go." Becky, with her arms still wrapped around me, pulls me towards the entrance of the school, picking my bag off the floor again. I am not making noises when I cry, it's all just hot tears and a clenched jaw.

It doesn't take long to get her car, as she has pulled up directly in front of the school. Throwing open the door with one hand, Becky helps me into the truck before running to her side of the car. I stare out the window as she drives away from the school, and onto the road. I don't know where we are going, but I doubt it's too Togo's. My fingers are tied into knots, and I can feel impact of my tears against my skin.

It's my fault. I wanted them to be gone the first time they came here, and God gave me my wish. They are gone now, he is gone now and it's all my fault. I cursed his stay and that's exactly why I am sitting in this car wishing to take back time.

Andy gave me everything I ever wanted in a matter of days. He gave me love, hope, joy, life, all in less than a month. Who the hell is ever going to do that again?

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