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Six Years Later

I wish I could say Andy and I lasted for forever, but like Andrew said your first love wont always be your epic love. Then again, I can't really say my second love with Jeremy was my epic love either. It's more or less we just tolerate each other enough to get married. He got along with my dad and Willa, so that was another ace.

I still think about Andy every single day, even when my first child Farrah was born, I had wished it was with Andy and not Jere. The chemistry between Jeremy and I just wasn't as alive with each other as it was with Andy.

I could go on and on about why we broke up, but that would take too long and bring me to tears. Maybe it was the constant touring and lack of trust in our relationship that ended up being the fault in our break up. Maybe it was the constant battle with my dad that pushed us to the point of no return.

Occasionally, I'll tune into some of their interviews but more time than not if hurts too much to watch. I heard from Becky, that he's met somebody new and they've been going good for a solid year, I have yet to see that information for myself.

The first year of being without him was hard, I relapsed and stopped eating for a while before I met Jere. He was nice, and cute, not Andy but maybe someone who wasn't like Andy was exactly what I needed in life.

(a/n Just kidding! ^.^ I hope you didn't actually fall for that sob story! Why would I ever break up Andily?! If you actually fell for that ending, then I'm ashamed, but if you didn't, then I'm proud! For reals though...here's the real epilogue!)

Six Years Later

"No Dad, he still has three more stops before we're done with Warped, and then we'll be home. I will most definitely bring you a t-shirt from Florida...okay I'll see you later. Tell Willa and Hannah I said hello, love you bye!" I tap the screen and lock my phone shoving it in the back pocket of my jeans. It's the constant phone calls from dad, my fairly new step-mom Willa, and new sister Hannah, that always make me homesick. Despite Andy's constant offers to fly me home for the weekend and meet him at their next stop, I've refused every single one to keep the anticipation at an all time high.

Tour life sucks.

Said no one ever.

It's completely and utterly fantastic. I've never traveled so much in my entire life and to top it all off, I have Andy and Tyler to keep me company. Who knew that four years from getting punched in the nose by a sleep crazed Becky, I would be engaged to one of the hottest vocalist in the world AND mothering two of his kids. I mean, it's one thing to be engaged to them, but add kids to the pot and you've got a match made in heaven. Tyler's perfect, she's a little bit of both of us. She's obtained his blue eyes and my brown waves, and unfortunately my height. For a two year old, she looks one. Luckily or unluckily, she's completely inherited Andy's sense of humor, even for a two year old.

The story of how Tyler came about goes like this:

It was a complete accident. The best accident I ever made, but still an accident. Three days before my college graduation, Andy came over to wish me good luck among other things he came over to do, seeing how he wasn't going to be at my graduation (touring in Japan). So things got heated in your typical 'I'm sexually and emotionally frustrated that you're leaving me for a month and I want to take it out on you in the bed while Becky is gone' way. And then we did the nasty and he left with the promise of coming right back to me the moment he lands back in America. All was fine and dandy till I was barfing my insides out the next morning.

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