Howdy Partner

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I decided to take it easy on your aching souls and update a little sooner, if you can call this sooner I’m not quite keeping track.

How’s all your summers going? Mine pretty swell, but I’m going to warn you ahead of time I have a lot of stuff going on in the next few days/weeks. I’m throwing a house and pool party next week, and I’ll be camping with friends the week after, and then another party thing, as well as the beach, so if I am not on Wattpad for a while that’s why! Either that or Netflix has completely sucked me in and shut me out from the world of the living.

Enough babbling~

Five More Chapters left

Chapter 45


“Emily!” Andy shouts my name as I make my way across the parking lot. I don’t really care for him at the moment, and I would rather lick the ground than look at him so he can go fuck himself. I’m done with this back and forth.

“Go away Andy!” I yell back at him looking for wherever we parked the car earlier.

I hear his footsteps picking up pace. “That’s kind of hard to do when you’re taking my car!”

Clearly he isn’t very happy right now, like he has the right to! How dare this bastard!
“Fine! Here, take your fucking keys; I’ll walk! I would much rather do that than touch anything of yours!”

 Turning around I raise my arms to throw the keys, but stop when I realize how close he’s gotten. We are both a jumble of deep breaths and angry glares.

Andy gives up first. “What did I do, everything was fine and then I come out and you’re gone? Did I say something?”

What did he do? You have got to be fucking kidding me. Pissed I shove at his chest, hot tears breaking the surface.

“You lied! You lied to me and I was stupid enough to sleep with you! Don’t you think you should’ve mention how you were going to leave in two days? Don’t you think I should’ve known that!” I throw his keys somewhere just to spite him and immediately feel like a bitch right after. This is too much, everything happened to fast!

For a moment, Andy looks shocked before he gathers himself and grips my fighting fists.

“Would it have mattered, honestly? I never told you I was staying before I we slept together, you just assumed like you always do! I never said I was staying! But it wouldn’t have mattered cause we both missed each other like crazy, and you know I’m right. We didn’t care what happened that night cause the only thing that mattered was you and I in that moment, leaving everything behind—all the drama, all the fighting, everything!” He releases my hands to run his between his hair gripping and then releasing it before turning around to pant and then come back again.

“You always have to be right about something. It’s either ‘Emily’s way’ or the high way. I can’t be with you and go on tour cause that’s not what Emily wants! I can’t make love with you and then leave for tour and come back for frequent visits cause that’s not want Emily wants! I can’t stay with you and go on tour without cheating, cause in Emily’s mind that’s not how it goes! What the hell are you so damn afraid of!” Each word is like a stab in the back, and every finished sentence twists the knife deeper and deeper. In his fury, Andy’s lit a cigarette, smoking it like it’s the only thing to calm him down, that or he’s trying to spite me.

Stomping right up to him I reach up and grip the stick from his mouth and throw it on the floor, smashing it with my shoes. “Stop fucking smoking in front of me!”

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