The Queen Bitch

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PICTURE TO THE SIDE OF BLACK VEIL BRIDES even though im positive you guys have already seen them, and internet stalked them like i have. No shame.

Let's keep these views going up and votes, some of you read but don't vote so it would be EXCELLENT if you did, cause that would make me soo fudgen happy. 

So lets vote vote vote vote vote vote

and comment, I love comments.

My friend thinks I should set goals again before I update so I am going to do that.

15 votes till next chapter so lets VOTE and get to that goal. 



Chapter 19

I don't think I have ever screamed that hard in my entire life, then again, most of my life has been spent in a library and honestly you can't yell for shit in those things. For reals though, Black Veil Brides, probably kicked the shit out of that concert. Everyone was screaming and crying and laughing and the whole fan girl business. 

I didn't even mind that Andy was the eye candy of a bunch of girls, they are his fans, and they should come first before everything. Even me. 

Becky and I waited against the boys car as the guys were taking pictures with a long line of girls. I was a stage girlfriend, how cute.

"So, what are you gonna do when Andy leaves?" Becky breaks the quiet and peers up from her phone. I dreaded this question but it was bound to come up. Groaning, I dropped my head against the back.

"Who knows? He wants me to go on tour with him, keep our relationship going, but honestly, I'm not ready to take that on. Go around like I'm not missing you, or dad, or the house, like everything would be fine. What if this is just a fling?" I sighed putting my head in my hands.

Becky scoffs. "Saying I love you, isn't apart of a 'fling'. You'll figure out a way to stay together, don't sweat it." 

For a moment, I believed her, and than the feeling of doubt flooded back to my head. Could Andy and I really stay together when this whole thing is over? I have school, and dad, and he has all this touring and recording before their album comes out. To busy schedules never work out.

"What about Beckly?" Raising my brows, I nudge her in the shoulders. Enough about me.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I ever made that name. I was craazzzzyyyy in love with Ashley. Nah, I'm over that, just a lot of attraction between two friends. He's an amazing kisser. Best I ever had." 

"Really? It looked like he was in an eating contest. You guys were devouring each other." I coon. Becky shrinks back and blushes. Aw, innocent Becky wants to come out and play.

"Stop, we were just caught in the moment. We don't have feelings for each other anymore." Was she trying to convince me or herself? I mean, Becky has changed A LOT in little time, but has she really lost everything she felt about Andy.

"What are we talking about?" Jinxx slides on to the hood of the car and crosses his hands in his lap like he's duying to know. Me and Becky glance at each other and look back at Jinxx. 

"Just how amazing you guys were up on stage." I answered.

"Everyone knows that, you don't even need to discuss that topic."

"Cocky much?" 

"I'm just joking. Were we discussing, Ashley and Becky's, heated make out session?" How much did he hear. Becky narrows her eyes.

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