Emily's Song.

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You guys must really like bitch fights because almost instantly after I posted the 19 chapter to this book 2 days ago, and several votes magically appeared. Sorry to say, there will be no bitch fights here. My sincere apologies.

Alright guys keep voting, 20 till the next chapter, and yes every chapter we are going 5 votes up, so next will be 25 so on so on.

Comments, yeah I like them to but I'm not putting a goal on it.

Enough of me, here's chapter 20!


Chapter 20

Being suspended is not all that it's cracked up to be. In fact, I have never been so bored in my life. It's the last day of my house arrest and instead of staying home with me, everyone attended school.

Sprawled out on the couch, I flipped through Pride and Prejudice, sighing, I think I've read this book like 5 times, it's no longer entertaining to me. There could be a few things I should be doing, but in all honesty, nothing appealed to me.

I missed school, me being the smart loner, missed classes, missed learning, and missed the library. This, was pure torture. Among the many things that I missed, Andy was near the top top, next to my dad of course.

Hmm, I could just drive to the funeral home and hang out with dad. If he was there, it seemed like nowa days he was spending more and more time with his girlfriend who I have yet to meet. Then again, everyone was getting into relationships. Me and Andy. Dad and mystery girl. Becky and Ashley? or Becky and whoever thought she was hot.

Ugh, this is so boring. I swung my feet off the couch and decided to go on a scavenger hunt. Would it be an invasion of privacy if I snooped through Andy's stuff? Maybe I wouldn't snoop but go to the basement and have a look. Not totally going through his stuff, just browsing.

Opening the basement door I left it open a crack just in case someone came home early. Seeing how it's only 12:45 I still had a good hour or so. All the boys had there instruments and microphones and speakers out for early morning practices and like everything else, they don't put away their stuff. Touching Andy's mic I tapped the mouth making noises from the speaker.

I went to CC's drums next rhythmically tapped my fingers on each of the the holly drums. I went to each of the boys instruments one by one brushing my fingers across them, feeling like a giddy school girl the hole time. I stopped when I walked over the stool Andy sat on when he and the boys worked on new songs. Shuffling through a couple of papers I froze when I noticed one of the papers titles: Emily's song.

Andy wrote a song about me? Oh my god....Andy wrote a song about me. Should I read the lyrics? It's not totally finished just a few lines. Curiosity got the best of me and my eyes skimmed the few lines that were sprawled out across the sheet of paper.

Before I can even read them completely I hear a door slam upstairs and I drop the sheet of paper back on the stool and still. I am frozen and cant move, that small moment of panic everyone experiences.

Shit what the hell am I gonna do! I shuffled my feet, my head on a swivel. Footsteps from up above told me that they were in the family room, which isn't far from him.

"Emily!" Someone calls my name from upstairs and I know its Andy. "Emily Harsh!" He calls again. I panic some more and I hear foot steps heading towards the basement floor. In an instant I am laying on the small sofa pulling the throw blanket over my body.

I really hope my acting is up to date.

"Found her, she's asleep on the Lazy Boy, or at least faking." I can hear the amusement in Jinxx's voice. Oh god, what are they gonna do.

"Where's that sharpie, I know there is one here." Andy mutters under his breath. I still.

I hear shuffling and something drop. "Found it."

"Turn her over, I need to see her face." What the hell! Oh my gosh, Emily give it up! Wake up don't risk it! Jinxx's hands are on my squeezing between the couch and my tummy trying to turn me over. He's also touching my ticklish spot. Oh fuck it.

I let out a giggle and my arms fly out pushing his hands away from me.

"Faking it." Jinxx points out. I frown and push the blanket off of me.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"I should be asking you what you are doing here in our practice room." And's eye brows shoot up and his arms cross.

"I- I -I was just singing a song!" My eyes flash to Andy's microphone.

"Really?" He tilts his head to the side. "You were singing? I find that hard to believe."

"Well you've heard me in the shower so, I don't know why it's so hard."

"Why don't you show us what it is you were singing." Andy pulls me up by the arm and ushers me to the mic.

"No, I don't sing in front of people. Are you guys hungry I can make us some sandwiches? Are the other boys here?" Turning on my heel I head up the stair letting out a shaky breath. Thank god they did not ask more questions.

"No, they stayed to pick up Becky, we are gonna go out tonight." Jinxx answers. "Yes, on the sandwich."

I turn my head to them in a questioning gaze. "Out? It's a school night though, it's Tuesday, we can't go out."

Andy steps ahead of me and opens the door, letting me walk ahead of me into the family room. "Last time I checked, school nights meant shit to me. Were taking you lovely ladies out to dinner and a movie. Very, classy. Becky's idea."

"Dinner and a movie? Are you guys high?" Jinxx situated himself on the couch switching on the t.v. Andy follows me to the kitchen.

"NO, we are not."

"Too much smoking?"





"Could happen."

"Hmm, I don't think i could date a possessed guy. I'm afraid I'll have to break up with you." I wink at him and open the fridge.

He closes it and pushes me against it.

"I'm afraid I don't like that idea." He leans down and kisses me on the lips. We are interrupted by a cough, clearly fake. I look up and notice my dad standing in the kitchen entry, his arm wrapped around the waist of a woman that isn't my mom.

"Emily, Andy, this is Willa, my um girlfriend. Willa, this is my daughter Emily and her boyfriend Andy Biersack. I didn't know you would be home." What the hell were they planning on doing. I suddenly feel sick.

"Dad, you knew I was suspended."

"I assumed you would be with Andy, skipping or something." Strange enough, dad had no problem with me skipping. Said that at least I wasn't hiding in the shadows of the school.

I stared at the woman standing so close to my dad. She was a red head, with green eyes, and a pale complexion. Clad in blue jeans and a white blouse, she was something very out of the ordinary for this house. Not that I'm judging, but she was the exact opposite of my mom, besides her being pale.

Andy squeezed my hip, comfort mechanism.

"Well, I am not, so..." I suddenly felt like crying. The awkward silence grew even more awkward between us, the only noise filling the room was whatever that was playing on the t.v.

"Any plans for tonight?" Dad quietly asks, his eyes roaming over mine and Andy's position. Well dad how about your hands? Where are they?

"Dinner...movie." Words seemed to become harder to speak and my dad became harder to comprehend as I stared blankly at this woman. i honestly didnt know that this was gonna be so hard for me. I knew he was dating someone, but this polar opposite of my mom...

"Here's some money, spend it how you want." He fishes money out and without letting go off his hold on Willa, he holds his money out, close enough for reach. I don't move, instead Andy has to release my hips and grip one of my hands in his in order to step forward and take the money, still touching me.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"Well, Willa and I will just head out for lunch then. Have fun, don't be out all night." Dad smiles and looks from me to Andy to Willa and back.

"Right." I nodd.

"Nice meeting you." Willa waves goodbye as my dad ushers her out of the kitchen like I am gonna explode any minute.

"Like wise." I say loud enough for only Andy to hear. Ounce the door is closed I am still paralyzed. Andy kisses my lips briefly and I am snapped back to reality. I pull his head down for more and I smash my lips on his. Pulling apart I giving him a sneaky smirk.

"Andy, let's get drunk."


There you go! Not the best chapter but I still think that this is a somewhat good chapter. Comment what you think and 25 more votes until next chapter or maybe 15 depends if I get my sleep and I'm feeling nice.

Commenntttt and vottteeee

Jes <3

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