Camp Fires

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To sequel or to not? Does anyone have a goodreads? No? Okay that's fine. Hehe anyway we are getting a lot of reads for this books, yes I said we cause I can't do this without u guys! Muhaaha i am vewy vewy happy cause i finally got a new bag and it so happens to be a Black Veil Brides! soo me is happy but back to the story.

Okay bi bi!




"So what exactly are we doing here, Andy?" I followed closey behind Andy, our hands loosly intertwined. It was almost 11 and we were wondering around the woods with the rest of the band. After I got home from telling my dad about Andy and I, we lounged around the house like a couple of couch potatoes with nothing to do, for the first time.

About and hour and a half ago, Jinxx and CC suggest we go out and thus is the reason why we are wondering in a forest and hour or so from midnight. Jake and Ashley got a pack of beers on the way here (not that I intended to have some, I would rather not have a repeat of Friday! I found out....I'm a lightweight!), and CC bought a few blankets. What was in the box Jinxx was holding, I didn't know, but I wanted to and curiousity was spreading through me.

"Just another five minutes, babe." Andy squeezed my fingers and continued to lead me through the darkness. I admit right now I was on the brink of peeing my fricken pants, not only were we wondering around in the dark after a watching a scary movie before we left the house, but I also didn't know where the heck we were going for all I know, they could be leading me to my death. Maybe I was just paranoid.

"I'm scared."

"You are cute when you're scared."

"That's not funny Andy, you can't even see me. That's how pitch black it is, if I fall, I'll end up dying." I rushed squeezing his hand tighter.

"Fuck, Emily you are cutting of the flow of my blood! Release!" I loosened my grip and rubbed his hand with my other one. "You'll be fine, would I take you into a dark forest if I thought something bad was gonna happen? Like a snake attack? or a bear attack? or even--"

"Andy!" I released his hand and stopped allowing the others to pass me up. "I am walking back now." I turned around and walked in the oppisite direction. Chances were I would get eaten or attacked on the way back, and I don't run very fast, in fact I don't like running at all and would rather get eaten. That or I would get lost and wonder around for days, weeks, months, until a rescue team finds me or I just die of starvation and rot for how many years.

God Emily way to be paranoid, I thought. I heard the shuffling of feet beind me, and looked back. Andy was following somewhat three feet behind.

"What do you want? I am fine going back to the car by myself," I crossed my arms and continued walking faster.

"Are you mad?"

"No," yes. I don't like the dark or forest or scary movies which make me wonder why i even watched it in the first place. Oh yeah, Andy's fault.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not. Go away Andy."

"I was just joking about the snakes and the bears. Emily, are you really mad about that?" He caught up to me, turning me around by grabbing my upper arm.

"Yeah, you know I'm scared yet you just feed on my frieght."

"Oh my god Emily, I was joking. I like joking, just come back." I knew if i just continued walking he wouldn't stop bothering me, so I sighed and jogged back to the group to the point where I was in the front with Becky and Jinxx.

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