Chapter 4

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After I got dressed I walked down stairs to find Zac sitting on the couch flicking through the stations he then turned it off got up and said

“About time!” I looked at him

“don’t rush me boy I am going to this stupid party for you, I can easily turn around go upstairs and change back into my PJ’s”

“Okay I'm sorry now can we go”

“yes” I said grabbing my Phone & keys

We decided to walk just incase we decide to drink we didn’t have to worry about leaving our car there, thank god Brad only lived 3 streets away.

We could hear the music from 4 houses away, when we go there we walked in the house and people were already wasted, Zac grabbed my hand and pulled me out the back a couple of our friends came over and said Hello I saw Stacey and Elizabeth. Stacey and Elizabeth have been my friends since 7th grade, I walked over to them and started talking to them.

10 mins later Emily came over liking a little tipsy “Hey girls what’s up do you mind if I borrow Ally for a sec?... cool thanks” dhe said grabbing my wrist and pulling me away before they could answer.

“what’s up? Where are you taking me?” I asked

she pulled me into the kitchen of Brad’s house turned around and said “Jason is here”

“So what why should I care?”

“I saw him talking to Olivia” she said as if it would somehow affect me.

“and your point is? I don’t care who he talks to we are NOT dating anymore he’s allowed to do whatever he wants”

“Okay well as long as you know it’s all good then just wanted to make sure your okay with it”

“Yep I’m all good plus Olivia is a nice girl”

After that we walked out the back and went down stairs near the pool, I went and spoke to a few people, when I started to get bored I walked back up to the house and saw Zac in the kitchen so I ran up behind him and jumped on his back covering his eyes and said "Guess Who” in a really girly voice

He then started to think before saying “Debby?”

“NO ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” I said hitting him on the arm Debby is Zac’s Ex she moved away 2 years ago I always hated her and she never liked me either but that didn’t stop them dating.

Debby eventually broke up with Zac 2 months after she moved because she couldn’t trust Zac around me, she was afraid I would try something.

Zac backed up to the bench and dropped me onto it he turned around stood between my legs placing his hands on my thighs smiling he gave a small laugh before replying “I knew that would get a reaction out of you.”

“yea sure you did, anyway… you having fun?” I asked with a bored look

“yea! why? aren’t you?” he asked

“aha, see I haven’t seen you most of the night and your having fun WITHOUT me you LIAR” I said sarcastically “you didn’t need me here to have fun you just said that to suck me in” I added

“meh so what if I did, but admit it your having fun”

“NEVERRR” I slightly shouted

“really you wanna play that game aye?!” he said poking my sides

"Nope I don't want to play this game" I said trying to grab his hands.

He then said "oh ok then how bout this one" he then picked me up taking me outside down to the pool “Admit you’re having fun or you going in!”

“NEVERRR” I shouted again

“okay here we go One… Two… Thr…”

“OKAY OKAY OKAY I AM HAVING FUN” I squealed while laughing he then put me down

I was still laughing when I turned around and gave Zac a little shove before looking behind him, when I did I saw Jason walking toward us.

“Well I was having fun but not now” I said to Zac. He then lifted his head up and saw what I was talking about.

Zac stepped in front of me and said “she doesn’t want to talk to you mate can you just leave it”

Jason ignored Zac and looked at me and said “Is that what you want?” I looked away I tried to ignore him but he asked again

“Ally is that what you want?” I looked back at him and nodded he then said

“Fine I’ll leave you alone, enjoy your night” Zac turned to me with a concerned look on his face

“Are you okay?”

“yea I’m good”

About 30 mins later after nonstop dancing with Zac I needed a drink I told him I would be back & asked him if he wanted anything?

He said "yea water please”

"okay I’ll be back soon I walked back up to the house I grabbed to waters as I was about to walk back down to Zac when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a closet, it was dark and I couldn’t see who it was although I had a feeling I already knew who it was, then I heard the all too familiar voice...

...“I’m sorry Ally I didn’t mean to hurt you”

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