Chapter 5: Visiting Selina

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My alarm clock scared me awake again with my bat I broke it into pieces,my cellphone rang I picked it up and Roxanne's voice seemed amused.

"You broke your alarm again didn't you ?"She laughed I rolled my eyes and headed to my shower I set the phone on speaker and turned my shower on.

"At what time did Selina say we have to go ?"She asked I checked the time.

"At twelve we still have enough time." I groaned and took off my clothes Roxanne caught my mood.

"Late, night?"She questioned I yawn and stepped in the shower with the hot water running over my face.

"Yeah, I had another nightmare."I confessed I heard her sigh and a bell ringing.

"What are you doing?"I asked a man's voice was in the background. " So that's two Cuban sandwiches  and two sodas,that'll be 15 bucks." I scrubbed soap over my body an shampooed my hair.

"I'm getting us breakfast, because I know how my home girl loves Ramones famous cuban sandwiches" She sang I smiled remembering all the fun times me and her had in the streets.

"Aww, thanks Roxy." I chuckled shutting the shower off and grabbed a towel to wrap myself in. 

"No, prob make sure that you are ready dressed" She lightly ordered and hanged up,I went back to my room and went to my drawers,I took out a my anchor fishnet tank top and mineral wash skinny jeans with my black floral lined combat boots. My elevator door opened and the smell of pork sandwiches filled my apartment I got out my room and practically ran into my living room Roxanne was checking out my weapons she held my dessert eagle.

"Nice!" She commented playing with the gun, thank god I removed the bullets I took the gun back and placed it back with on the wall with the others,we both went to my kitchen and sat in the table I went to my frige and took out a jar of pickles. After eating I grabbed my brown leather jacket and we went down the garage instead of taking my car we took my Harely Davidson motorcycle I handed Roxanne a helmet we zoomed dout of the garage and into the city. Selina's apartment was in the high class building as I like to call it since so many people were looking for Catwoman I suggested that she live somewhere quiet,but since she doesn't like to listen, she chose the penthouse. I parked my motorcycle on the sidewalk went to the elevator since no one was in the elevator with us I took out a key as we reached the penthouse cameras on that floor turning each second we walked inside the house multiple toys were on the floor ,I heard a meow above me I looked up and Selina's black cat Isis. She jumped down and landed on my shoulder I scratch behind her ears and she purred against my cheek.

"Selina."I called out Roxanne and I kept our guards up knowing Selina she's always would make us practice ,that's how our senses are so heightened my ears picked up a sound from the kitchen with Isis still on my shoulders. I walked into the kitchen while Roxanne went to one of the many rooms,Selina threw a kitchen knife at me, I caught it with my left hand, my palm was slit open I threw the knife back ,Selina jumped up on the counter she tried kicking me. I blocked it and grabbed her ankle then threw her into the living room Helena's small ball was on the floor I kicked it up and kicked it hard enough for it to slam against her face. A cry from Helen'a room made us stop ,Selina quickly went into the room Roxanne and I went back to the kitchen and clean up. We mopped the spilled soup and cleaned the remaining dishes. The oven's bell dinged and I grabbed a pair of oven mittens and took out her famous oven chicken,Selina came into the kitchen with Helena in her arms,Helena reached for me I took her in my arms she pulled at the end of my hair and lightly tugged on it.

"Do you mind if you take Helena into the living room, it'll take Roxanne and I a few minutes to finish cooking."She explained I nodded and took Helena into the living room I placed her on the floor and took her small bunny and placed it in front of me.

"Hi, Helena how are you?"I asked in a high pitched voice she laughed.

" Auntie Blue,who blught you that?"She asked in mixed words I placed her on my lap and showed her my the locket inside the locket was the same picture that I have in my apartment I pointed at my brother.

"That's my brother he bought me a bunny almost like yours,and he would always do that whenever I was sad "I explained.

"Where he is?"she asked my smile disappeared and I held her tighter in my arms.

"He died baby girl,he died "I repeated with a hint of hurt in my voice,I felt her little hand on my cheek I looked at her.

"No, cry Auntie"She said I wiped a few tears off my face.

"Girls,time to eat!"Selina called out Helena and I went to the dining room on the table are plates and bowls of salad,potatoes and corn. Selina picked Helena up and placed her in her highchair she placed a small plate with food and her sippy cup next to it all of us sat down to eat.

"So are you girls free, tonight?"Selina asked Roxanne and I looked at each other and shook our heads no.

"Well, we have a job."She stated "All of us?"Roxanne and I asked,Selina nodded I looked at Helena sometimes I think Selina doesn't understand that being a mom is important.

"Who are you gonna leave Helena with?" She looked at me with a serious expression.

"Don't worry Blue she'll be safe"She reassured me, I knew there was no use into arguing with her.

"What's the job?"Roxanne asked Selina threw a folder on the tabled I looked through it our next assignment was at a ancient jewelery museum we had to steal a necklace for a client that is willing to pay a lot of money in order for us to steal it.

"So what's the game plan? Roxanne and I as waitresses or what?"Selina smiled at me I arched my eyebrow at her.

"How long has it been since you've worn a dress?"She asked Damn it I should've know I was going to be set up like this.

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