Chapter 28: Party like a Gypsy.

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Blue's Pov

" Haideţi să parte!"( Let's party) I shouted in Romanian. The gathering crowd cheered in agreement. I changed out of my costume into another dress against my own will but I'm too drunk to even care. The musicians began to play while others were eating; the bonfires were lit upon the beach. I am on top of a table with a giant goblet of wine looking around for Dick that always seems to be missing then I felt a creeping shadow behind me.

"Don't you ever get out of that costume and enjoy the party?" I asked Batman who still wore his bat suit.

"You still have a few test to go through before you can convince me that you are done killing." He announced. I simply ignored him by chugging down my drink.

"Figured you say that. Bring it on!" I declared getting up from the table towards the musicians. Ayra thankfully was one of the guitarist so I told her to play a old gypsy song that my Mom and Dad used to play during our tours.

"Hey everyone gather around you're about to see the performance of a lifetime this goes out to my brother." I announced getting back up on the table. Everyone stared as I went on my knees to wait for the music to start as the guitar played with the drums in suit. I began my dance.

Rovel o Del(Romanian )

Del o brishind, rovel o Del. Vi me pala leste.

Vi me pala leste. Sa anda mure pharala.

Rovav, rovav pala lende. Dukhal aba lengo jilo.

Dukhal aba lengo jilo. Kodol Devla nasvale kerdyon.

Dema Devla so me mangav. Chi mangav me barvalimo.

Chi mangav me barvalimo, De man Devla zor, sastyipo


Rain falls, cries for God. I will cry afterwards.

I will cry afterwards. All my brothers.

I cry I cry for them, their hearts are hurting, sick.

God give me what I ask. I do not want a fortune.

I do not want a fortune, give me strength and health

As I danced, Dick reappeared and jumped on the table with me following in suit stomping on the table in rhythm with the beat. The song ended and the crowd cheered though in all honesty all that dancing made me sick to my stomach I sway from side to side.

"Blue are you alright?" Dick asked I nodded but lose my footing on the table falling but thankfully the sand didn't cause any pain.

"Come on it's okay." Dick said picking me off the ground. I laughed.

"Yeah let's go I'm tried with all the partying." I admitted snuggling my head against his shoulder with a happy sigh.

"I missed this." I confessed his chest rumbled when he laughed.

"What drinking?" He asked I shook my head.

"No, being together remember Dad would always open the cart door to the train so we can see the moon as we passed through towns snuggling under blankets." I told him thinking back to our childhood. He held me closer to him .

"Don't worry I'm here so don't worry about it anymore." He said with that I let the music drown me out. 

Next morning.....

With the pounding inside my head it was no wonder that I ended up somewhere strange.

Where the hell am I? I thought. When I saw that my clothes were changed into a nightgown it could only mean one thing.

Time traveling? I thought making a bad joke to make sure I won't freak  out and kill someone. The room was richly decorated with expensive looking couches and carpets the door opens and a elderly looking man steps inside with a silver tray.

"Good morning." He greeted casually and sets the tray down on a coffee table.

"Good morning" I replied sheepishly unsure if I could trust him or not.

"Excuse me where am I?" I asked him as he hands me a cup of warm tea. I took the cup but stared at him.

"Wayne Manor, Miss Grayson."He responds going back to the coffee table with picking up the tray and placed it on my lap.

"Here, Master Richard told me that you like pancakes." He explained removing the tray from the plate to reveal two large delicious pancakes with chocolate chip in the form of a smiley face. I smiled back at the pancake and held my hand out to the old man.

"My name is Blue Grayson and yours?" I asked the old man smiles and takes my hand into his shaking it.

"Alfred Pennyworth, Miss at your service." He introduced, giving me a little bow.

"Well this is enough thank you, Alfred. Do you mind if you tell me where my brother is?" I asked.

"He's in the cave after breakfast you can meet him and Master Bruce there." He told me leaving me to eat. I laid the cup down on the tray and began to eat. Since I have nothing else to wear and no shoes the only thing I could do was stroll around the halls of Wayne Manor that was bigger than I could possibly imagine.

"Wow." I said taking sight of a bunch of artifacts and paintings that I want to steal but since at the moment I'm on a tight leash so next time.

I stared at this large painting of a couple and I read the label on the painting.

"Thomas and Martha Wayne." I frowned at the sight of the painting.

"My parents." Wayne said behind me. I turn to see him wearing normal clothes for once.

"Sorry I couldn't find your lair." I confessed lamely. He motioned me to follow him so I did. He led me to a grand piano and a large clock. He played a few notes on the keyboard until he hit a broken cord then the doors magically appear to lead us to the so call cave.

"Sweet." I chuckled his lair was a large bat cave. Go figure. I walk down the iron steps bright lights turn on as we go further into the cave revealing high tech equipment and souvenirs from criminals that I know all too well. I saw a display case with different suits at the end of the display case stood the catsuit my face reflected the glass. A pair of large arms wrap around my body and I knew it was my brother I look up at him to see him without his Nightwing costume.

"Hey, Dick." I greeted looking back at the display then he points to a old costume of robin and I couldn't help but grin.

"That was yours?" I asked trying not to laugh then he tickles my sides.

"Haha, Dick please don't ..Haha." I gasped trying to run away but he kept me in place.

"Enough,we have to plan the next course." Bruce announced interrupting our fun.

"Next course for what?" I questioned walking toward him. He hands me a passport and a ticket, surprisingly it has a great photo of me without any wig or fake eye color not even heavy makeup.

"How did you get a photo like this?" I asked a bit annoyed thinking about the ways he could've gotten something like this.

"Your next trip is to Metropolis." He declared giving me no explanation.

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