Chapter 12: The hunt

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Blue's Pov

I woke up in a room filled with white light, feeling dizzy and could barely focus but I sat up holding my head. My eyes caught a fuzzy figure staring at me; I blinked a few I saw a smaller version of that chick with red eyes. Her eyes are different they're the color of lavender and looked about the age of sixteen but has a baby face; her sister looks all woman.

"If this is heaven I've been screwed over" I muttered under my breath the girl laughed I notice that I wasn't in the Catwoman costume anymore instead I was wearing a black tank top and shorts a girl about my age but maybe younger was staring at me my vision was a bit foggy until I realized that she has a freaking tail and wolf ears I backed away quickly the girl laughed.

"Do not be frighten Blue Grayson I don't harm humans that earned my respect" She spoke with such calm I relaxed a bit but kept my distance. She seemed sweet her tail wagged slightly I looked around to find another escape route.

"You won't find an escape route, not without help anyway." She mentioned I was confused she smiled and took off her hoodie and handed it to me.

"Here so that when the cameras spot you they"ll think its me"She advised I took the hoodie from her and put it on as I did a light breeze from above made me shiver I looked up to see an air vent I smiled and began tying my hair into a braid.

"Is there any way to get out of here?"I asked she shook her head and sat on her knees.

"Not if you want to die in space there's not much of a Zeta Teleportation tubes up here so I suggest you take the left air vent it'll get you in the main hallway somewhere in that hallway you will find Batman's personal computer inside he has his own private teleporter it'll take you to his cave in Gotham"She explained I nodded and stood up on my bed I tugged on the air vent fence no luck there were steel bolts shut in.

"Damn."I muttered the girl whistled she held a pocket knife in her hand I took the pocket knife and studied it I shrugged and started to unscrew the bolts the girl hugged me which I didn't expect I patted her back gently she pulled away." Good luck."She declared I smiled.

"Thank you."I said but turned back to her."Before I go what's your name?"I asked she chuckled and her ears wiggled which I found really cute.

"Daniela knight,now you better go before they come back and watch out for the lasers in the vents."She mentioned as I lifted myself up in the vents it was a tight squeeze but I fit in perfectly for a girl my size I made a left turn the vent only headed straight. I made sure that my knees didn't bang on the vents I breathed heavily and sweat started to build the hood fell over my face I moved it to the side and held it with my teeth a slight ringing sound caught my attention. I gathered a small pile of dust and threw it across from me three large red lasers were across from me this was going to be a hassle the middle part was too small but the bottom laser was a bit wide for me to squeeze. I took off the hoodie and placed it under me so that I slide a bit easier I breathed in deeply then held it and moved inch by inch forward the laser passed over my back I let out the breath I held in relief I might just get out without getting caught. Until the alarm sounded off in my ear I looked back to see that the laser touched my ass I banged my head on the vent in anger.

"Fuck!" I yelled and with one more slam I fell through the vent and to the hallway I land on both feet I picked myself up and made a run for it. I was luckily in the hallway that Daniela was talking about, the alarm was still sounding off I hid the metal pipe behind my back. As I made another turn I was confronted by a small group I laughed at the sight of them the looked like a small justice league but with teenagers.

"So what are you guys suppose to be the Micky mouse patrol"I laughed a small kid with black hair and he wore the Robin costume, great I might have to kill the sidekick in his hand he held out a silver bow staff with a electric spark at the end.

"Junior do you even know how to use that?"I taunted to get a reaction if I play my cards I still get through them. He growled at me I moved my foot back with my hand reaching to my back he noticed and swung the bow at me I fell back the bow missed me. I placed both my palms back on the floor and kicked myself back up and just in time because he swung the bow to the bottom of my feet I landed on top of his bow I gripped both sides of the bow and kicked my legs out he went flying and I now I have the boy wonder's weapon in my hands. Robin landed across from me but recovered quickly I have to give the kid some credit he's strong I twirled the bow and stopped it to my side to ready myself.

"Who's next?"I advised a blonde girl and a red haired girl that was wearing a bat symbol on her chest ,awesome, just awesome a Batgirl to add in my disadvantage. I swung the bow at the blonde girl's head she didn't see me coming it struck her head she fell backwards I twirled the bow from under me to attack Batgirl's legs she jumped over my attack. Robin charged at me with Batgirl charging at me as well I kicked the bow over me it struck her head I grabbed her arm and flipped her over me I let her go she landed on Robin. I breathed in and out and finally calmed my heartbeat the small group was on the floor unconscious I looked through the Robin's and Batgirl's belt. I took a few smoke bombs,explosive pelets and a holographic computer I hacked into the security cameras I found the one with the Bats personal computer is at. I walked towards a huge door with a scanner I used the holographic computer to hack into it but I needed a password in order for me to get in thanks to me I learned a few codes in order to get the password I waited for the code. I felt someone behind me I turned just in time a green arrow shot at me I jumped backwards and landed in a crouch I looked at the computer I only had a few minutes Green Arrow and Black Canary along with a Martian with orange hair and Superboy with a few others coming towards me.

"All this just for me?"I questioned taking the bow back out and twirled it in circles and moved around Arrow followed me with his bow.

"Stop moving or I'll shoot."He warned I looked at him in a "yeah,right" kind of look but I stopped moving I glanced back at the monitor I needed a distraction I rolled the smoke bombs in my hand.

"Canary, you remember that Ted taught us to never surrender without a fight?"I reminded she nodded I smiled widely,"Then I won't surrender without a fight!"I declared throwing the smoke bombs I covered my eyes as the blast of smoke filled the hallway the smoke triggered the emergency water it sprinkled over us. I charged at the first person closest to me a it was Green Arrow I slammed the tip of my bow to his stomach and took his arrows and bow I heard Canary next to me I crouched down and crawled towards her she didn't see me I punched her across the face and settled her down quietly. I made sure she was still unconscious something moved in the smoke it caught my attention I placed and arrow between the string and aimed it at a green monkey the monkey screeched when he saw me. I let the arrow loose this arrow launched out a net to my surprise the monkey turned to a little green boy with a monkey tail.

"Sis a little help over here."He cried I got another arrow and waited the water soaked me through the hood the Martian girl flew into the air and looked directly at me her eyes glowed bright and then a sharp pain started at my chest the pain was incredible I dropped to my knees holding my chest.

"Ahhhh!!!"I screamed I heard someone say stop!,but the pain was worsening my head felt like it was going to explode I gathered my strength and forced myself to stand I shot another arrow only this arrow shot fire out she cried in pain and fell a large blow fish thing caught he in mid-air he sneered at me the doors opened. I threw the explosives in the air and used the bow like a baseball bat and Bam! the explosives disarmed I threw the bow and arrows away the water was still pouring the floor was wet I fell to my knees and slid down the door before it closed again I stuck my middle finger out to them. Inside was pure darkness I couldn't hear anything but only the sound of my beating heart echoing through my ears I took off the hoodie and dropped it to the side I walked forward lights came on and computer screens opened I left a trail of water I stopped at the large computer since I'm sure that the my distraction will give me little time I went through my old aliases and destroyed all of the records that either the police or F.B.I ever had on me. Oh,yes I've caused a lot of trouble went I put the suit on. I finally was done with destroying the last records the computer detected someone in the vents I didn't have anymore weapons since I left them in the other room I still had the small pocket knife and I waited .That was until someone whacked me in the back of the head even with all this I was still caught.

okay sorry I haven't written in awhile I was taking a mini vacation plus because I had my job to do so I feel a lot better writing again so I write again soon so like I always say Comments and votes,please!

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