Chapter 13

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I know it's been a long time since I updated this story. I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Lately I've been busy with a lot of stuff, and usually when I get free time, I don't have the motivation to write. It's July 6th, and I figured since I'm not doing anything fun for the summer, I could at least update my story for some of my patient fans. Thank you for being so patient. Anyways, here's the next chapter for Small Town Girl. Spread love and peace. - Whitnee & XELLEBEE

Chapter 13

*Christofer's POV*

The show in Toronto was over. Boy, that was the loudest show I'd ever done. We were finally heading back on tour. Our next show is in Montreal. My tour bus was on the highway. We were halfway there. Usually I'd sit in the front beside my tour bus driver, Gabe. This time I was sitting in my room. There was a table beside my window and two red couches in front and behind it. Kind of like it was set up for a restaurant. Looking left, all I could see are hundreds of cars driving by. Hondas, Toyotas, Chevys, Fords, you name it. I was having a cup of coffee. Both of my hands were wrapped around it. The heat from my coffee was warming for my hands. It was a nice feeling. I looked down at my coffee, watching it sway back and forth from the movement of my tour bus. I looked back outside the window. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"I miss you Christofer." I looked around the room. No one was here. Then I looked at the seat in front of me. It was Trinity! She was sitting right in front of me!

"Trinity?! When and how did you get on my tour bus?!" My eyes were lit. She was sitting so calmly and had a small smile on her face.

She never spoke. She sat there, staring at me. I didn't know what was up with her.

"Say something Trinity!" I stood up, let go of my coffee, and leaned over the table, just so I could be more close to her.

"Why won't you say anything to me?!" I had this concerned tone in my voice. Dylan walked in my room. I was too worried about Trinity to hear his footsteps or the sound of my door open.

"Who are you talking to?" Dylan asked, giving me this weird look on his face.

I looked at Dylan for a split second, realizing that he was in the room. Then I looked back at Trinity. She was gone. Disappeared. I looked at Dylan, then back at the spot where Trinity was sitting. I did that twice, trying to understand what was going on.

"Bro, did you not see her?!" I gestured to the seat in front of me.

"See who?" Dylan asked.

"Trinity!" I yelled.

"Chris, I don't even know what she looks like in person. Plus when I walked in, I didn't see anybody. It looked like you were just talking to the couch." He explained.

I realized that I had been seeing Trinity with my own eyes, but no one else could. Kind of like seeing a mirage in a dessert. I sat back down in my seat and held my coffee cup again with both of my hands. It wasn't as hot anymore. Dylan walked over to the table and sat down in front of me. He was sitting in the same spot Trinity was. I looked at him and then looked out the window. I was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong man? You haven't been yourself lately." Dylan knew when something was wrong. That's why he's my best friend.

"I miss her, a lot. I fucked up badly man. I should've broken up with Miranda first before I got with Trinity. Now I just can't stop thinking about her." I looked back at Dylan.

Dylan let out a huge sigh. "You have her number, don't you? Why don't you just text her or call her?" I took out my phone.

I had a few text messages and calls from her. I didn't reply to them because I knew that if I started talking to her again, she'd probably get hurt or something. I couldn't take the risk. She's important to me. Her feelings are everything to me. I knew that if I just ignored her and ran away from her, she'd find someone new and fall in love. She'd be happy. She'd forget about me. I'd feel like an idiot for doing it, but it's for her happiness. Not mine.

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