Chapter 9

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Again, I'm sorry for the late updates. School is coming next week and I need to get ready for it. This chapter isn't going to have any POVs. The next chapter might though. I haven't decided yet. Anyways, enjoy! - Whitknee

Chapter 9 

I could feel the tears on my pillow, rubbing against my cheek. I had the blanket covered over me. No one had to see me weeping away. How could Christofer do that? I started gaining feelings for him. I thought he was going to be different. I felt like I could move on from Josh when I was around him. He made me feel special. I haven't felt like that since Josh and I broke up a few months ago. Now I was completely depressed. 

My phone started buzzing from underneath my pillow. I pulled it out and checked to see who texted me. It was Christofer. This was the tenth time he texted me. 

Christofer: "Please answer me Trinity. I'm really really sorry! :(" 

I ignored it. I couldn't be bothered with him right now. I went to the home screen on my phone and saw the time. It was six thirty in the morning. I had to go to work in a few more hours. I don't know how I'm going to last since I haven't slept the whole night. Suddenly Alyssa called me. It's been days since I spoke to her. Maybe I just needed to vent to someone and Alyssa was the right person. She is my best friend. Hopefully this will make me feel better. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Why didn't you tell me that you met Christofer Drew?!" Her loud voice made me move the phone away from my ear. 

"Wait, how did you know I met him?" I asked curiously. 

"It's all over the news. People even have pictures of you guys. That's not the point though. How come you didn't tell me? I'm your best friend Trinity." She explained. 

"Alyssa, you and I both know how much you like this band. If I told you, you'd just use me to get attention from Christofer." Our conversation went quiet for a minute.

"All I wanted was the truth Trinity. But it seems like I don't deserve it." She hung up on me. 

This day can't get any worse. First Josh, then Christofer and now my best friend. Why does this crap always happen to me? I can't do anything right. Well besides eating, that is. Maybe that's what I need, food. I haven't eaten anything since last night. I hopped out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Thank god my mom was asleep. One look at my face and she'd know something is wrong. I completely forgot that my mom is expecting me to tell her a fairytale about last night's date. Well it's more like a nightmare. 

I went searching through the cabnets looking for my favourite cereal, Frosted Flakes. There was only a little bit left, but it would do. I decided to watch tv so I put on Breakfast Television. This was my favourite news channel. Usually they do interviews with different celebrities every single day. I wonder who it was today. 

OH MY GOD! What the hell is Christofer Drew doing on tv?! Dina Pugliese, co-host of Breakfast Television, was interviewing him. I put the volume louder. This interview was interesting to hear. 

Dina: "Thanks for coming on the show!" 

Christofer: "No problem! This place is amazing by the way." 

Dina: "Yes it is. But let's focus on you. To all our viewers who don't know who you are, why don't you tell them?" 

"I know what he is. He's a big flithy lying cheater!" I yelled at the tv. 

Christofer: "Right. Okay so, I'm basically the lead singer in a band called Never Shout Never. Unfortunately the rest of the band members can't be here right now." 

Dina: "As long as we have someone here, that's all that matters." 

Christofer: "Exactly." 

Dina: "So what kind of music do you write or like to make?" 

Christofer: "Well basically, I write about however I'm feeling. Most of my songs are played by piano or the guitar." 

Dina: "Now we were playing some of your songs earlier and we noticed that most of your songs are talking about a girl. Is there a specific girl in your life right now?" 

I sat up from the couch and put the volume a little bit louder. This was going to be interesting. 

Christofer: "As a matter of fact, there is. Her name's Miranda. I was planning on proposing to her." 

My heart just sunk. I couldn't believe it. He's already over me. Is this his way of making me jealous or something? 

Dina: "What do you mean you were planning on proposing to her? Did something happen?" 

Christofer: "Something did happen. I realized Miranda isn't the one for me. I found someone else. Her name is Trinity." 

Dina: "How did you guys meet?" 

Christofer: "Funny story, I actually met her right here in Yonge and Dundas." 

Dina: "Seriously?! No way!" 

Christofer: "Yeah, I'm not kidding. I met her at Starbucks. The one that's just around the corner from here. Anyways, she's just amazing. Everything about her just makes me smile. She's beautiful, funny, sweet. She's basically anything a guy could ask for." 

Dina: "Aw, it's love at first sight." 

Christofer: "Yeah, I suppose so." 

Did Christofer really mean those things about me? I couldn't believe this. The butterflies came rushing back again. I was shocked to find out that Christofer isn't proposing to Miranda anymore. At the same time, I feel like crap. I kind of ruined their relationship. Christofer wasn't the only bad one in this situation.

Dina: "So are you guys dating?" 

Christofer: "It's kind of complicated. But I'm trying to fix everything."

Dina: "I hope it all works out. Okay you guys can check Christofer's music at! A link will show at the bottom of the screen. Christofer Drew, everybody!" 

I turned the tv off. I wasn't going to let Christofer fix this on his own. I was going to help him. I decided to head to work early. Since Christofer is already downtown, we'd see each other and sort this out in person. I just hope no one makes a big deal about this.

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