Chapter 14

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Hey guys! I'm gonna start updating again soon! Here is XELLEBEE's chapter for Small Town Girl. I hope you guys like it! - Whitknee & XELLEBEE 

Chapter 14

I remember it like it was yesterday.

That day with Noah..


We were at the beach. I can feel the sun hitting my light-mixed skin and the wind blowing my hair back. It was a good day.  We were laying down on our towels and holding hands, when suddenly his problem started acting up. Noah gets these, hm what can I call them? Hallucinations I guess. He can hear voices, see dragons, demons, ghosts, maybe even things no one has ever seen before. It's a little scary.

“Kerah, we need to get home. To your place, I mean.” Noah stated quickly.

“Why babe? Is it bothering you again?” I said, concern in my voice.

“Sweetheart, they’re telling me to do things. Things I don’t want to do.” He looked at me. He looked me straight in the eye. I’ve never seen so much fear before. None the less this other feeling that’s radiating off of his pupils. It was hate, loathing. I can see it perfectly clear.

I grabbed my towel, folded it up and put it in my bag. I helped him stand up, took his towel and did the same. Still in my black bikini, we walked towards the car and I helped him into the passenger seat. We’re getting some weird stares from on-lookers. May I state, we were a strange couple. Noah is Hispanic, you see. His hair stood straight up on end. He was a little taller than me, with his caramel tanned skin. He was lanky yet built, and he had a strong and forward walk.

Yet one thing most people don’t know about him is that he was adopted as a baby. By a Jewish family, hence the Hebrew name Noah. His mother loved me, I could tell. But his father, not so much. The way he acted around me wasn’t inviting. Noah was a quiet guy these days but in his past, he had been a trouble maker. Maybe his father thought I’d bring him back down there. Maybe cause I was black. Well actually, mixed. But the way his father percieved me, I guess I was fullout black.

I started the car and he gripped my hand on the keys.

“Babe..” I said, with a little concern in my voice.

“Drive. NOW!” His voice grew into anger. He was gripping my hand harder and harder.

NOAH, LET GO! I’m taking you home this instant!” I stated back.

NO NO! Just take me to your place. I just need to lie down.” I could hear the lie in his voice but I didn’t pay attention.

I pulled into drive and drove out of the parking lot. I tried to get back to my place as soon as possible so he could control the voices and everything as soon as he could relax. He had psy-something. Psychosis, that’s right. He used to do drugs. Hardcore drugs, I mean. I accepted him no matter what though. I wasn’t there to be a judgemental girlfriend.

In the next 15 minutes, we were back at my building. I locked the car, leaving everything in there. My cell and our clothing. I’d get them later. I dragged him towards the elevator and pressed the up button. We got off at my floor and I walked him down the hall. I could feel his body tense up beside me.

“Baby, we’re here, okay? You just need to lay down, that’s all.” I said quietly into his ear. I opened the door and he staggered towards the couch.

“Get out…” He said, almost in a whisper.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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