Chapter 5

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Sadly, this chapter is going to be short since I don't have a lot of time to make it quite long. I might be adding more soon. I hope you all understand. Enjoy it though! - Whitknee

Chapter 5

At the end of the day, my feet were aching. Seven hours of non-stop work. It was dreadful. All of that didn't seem to matter though. The only thing that was stuck on my mind, was the fact that I met Christofer from Never Shout Never. He even gave me his number! That's something that those girls at his show didn't recieve. Once I arrived home, I immediately ran to my room and texted his number.

Trinity: "Hey, it's the girl from Starbucks. By the way, my name is Trinity. Just letting you know that I'm home safe and sound. :)" 

After texting Christofer, my mom called me downstairs. While going down the stairs, I ran a bit too fast which almost made me miss a step. I guess the excitement was getting to me. Usually when I'm in a happy mood, I say or do something stupid and my mom always knew I was up to something. She could read me like a newspaper. 

"Yes mom?" I had the biggest smile on my face. My mom was in the kitchen chopping vegetables. She looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"What's up with you?" She continued chopping.

"It's nothing! I'm just in a happy mood." My smile widened. 

"Oh come on Trinity. You and I both know something is up." She put the knife down and faced me.

"Fine you caught me." I looked at my phone.

"Tell me, I'm listening." She crossed her arms. 

"Remember that band I told you about yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah, Never Shout Never, right?" She continued chopping again. 

"Yeah! Well, I met their lead singer today and he gave me his number. I just texted him a few minutes ago." I explained.

"Oh, sounds like somebody had fun at work today. See, if you didn't go today, you wouldn't have met him. Good think I forced you too." We both chuckled.

"Yeah I guess you're right mom. I'll be upstairs if you need me." Before I could dash away, my mom stopped me.

"Did you eat anything yet?" She asked.

"Fine, I'll eat then go upstairs." I walked towards the dinner table. My mom smiled at me and chuckled.

I ate my dinner as quick as possible. I wanted to be alone so I could have a conversation with Christofer. That's if he continued talking to me. I sent my text message about half an hour ago and he still never replied back. I was starting to think it was just one of those things where all he was trying to do was be polite. It's understandable though, since he's the lead singer of a famous band. 

While waiting for his reply, I decided to listen to music and lie down for a while. All I really wanted to do was relax, since I was working so hard today. Within ten minutes of relaxing, my phone started ringing. I couldn't believe it! It was Christofer! 

"Hello?" I tried not to stutter.

"Trinity, you've got a lovely name." He complimented.

"Thanks! My mom said that my dad desperately wanted to name me that, so they did." I pointed out.

"Well they sure know how to pick names." He said.

Christofer and I were talking on the phone for so long, that we eventually fell asleep on each other. We went from talking about our names, to my work, to his work, and then to a bunch of random stuff. I had never felt so close to anyone in my entire life. During the conversation, Josh tried to call me on the other line. I ignored it though. The only persont that I really wanted to talk to at the moment was Christofer. I didn't want people like Josh ruining my mood. Christofer made my mood go from happy to unexplainable in seconds. It was one of those moods that you can really describe but you feel really good about yourself. Before we fell asleep on each other, Christofer said he wanted to spend more time with me. He immediately set a date. I guess tomorrow we were going for a walk in the park and probably get some ice cream. I couldn't wait! It's going to be the best day ever! 

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