Chapter 8

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Sorry for the late updates. Lately I've been so busy with other things that I haven't had time to update. This chapter won't have any POVs but I'm pretty sure the next chapter will. Anyways, enjoy this one for now and I'll try and update as soon as I can.  - Whitknee

Chapter 8 

Christofer rolled up to his house. His house was magnificent! It was one of those beach houses. I noticed that his house was the only one at the beach. I guess it's private since he is Christofer Drew. The size of his house was astounding me. I'd love to have one of those. I could watch the sunrise and sunset every single day. He got out of the car and went over to my side. He opened the door like a gentlemen. How romantic! I got out of the car and smiled at him. He smiled right back and closed the door. I guess smiling at each other was our way of saying "I like you but I don't know how to say it". Christofer started holding my hand and lead me towards his front door. His hand was soft and warm, not to mention sweaty. Was Christofer nervous about this date? I couldn't believe it. I didn't know I could have such an impact on someone. Christofer let go of my hand so he could take his keys out of his pocket and open the door. My heart was racing. The silence was bothering me. I had to say something. 

"You've got a nice house." I started looking around.

"Thanks! I try to keep this place as quiet as possible. I don't like unwanted visitors." He was struggling to open the door. 

"Well, you are pretty big." I added. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised. 

"I mean famous... like, a lot of people know you." Great, I bet he thought I was implying something else. I looked to the ground to hide my red cheeks of embarrassment. The door finally budged and we went inside.

His house may have looked huge on the outside but it was way bigger on the inside. My jaw dropped. Christofer looked at my facial expression and chuckled. He was laughing at my amazement. 

"You like what you see?" He had a huge grin on his face. Now what was he trying to imply? I looked at him with one eyebrow raised and my arms crossed. 

"What?! I'm talking about the house!" He gestured. We both laughed. 

"Yeah I know, but I do like what I see." I winked at him and walked towards the couch. He followed me with that same grin on his face. 

Christofer and I got straight to the movie. We didn't order food because I told him that I didn't want him spending a lot of money so, we just ate popcorn. The movie we were watching was Grown Ups. We both agreed that watching a romantic movie was overrated for dates. During the movie, I was curled up into a ball in Christofer's arms. My head was leaning on his shoulder and his head was leaning on my head. We were both enjoying the movie. I felt like I could fall asleep because it was so comfortable. Once the movie was over, Christofer and I cleaned up the mess with made. After the cleaning was over, we sat back on the couch and had a typical conversation. 

"Thanks for the date Christofer. It's nice to have a break, you know." I put my feet up on the couch and crossed my legs. 

"No problem. I just had to spend more time with you." He smiled. Again with the smiling! If only I knew how he really felt about me. I decided to give it a try. 

"Why me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head. 

"Like, why me? Out of every girl, why would you want to spend time with me?" I needed to know the truth. Christofer crawled closer to me. I looked straight into his green/brownish eyes. 

"Trinity, the moment I met you I knew there was something special. You're sweet, sarcastically funny, and beautiful. Which guy wouldn't want to be with you?" He explained. I instantly thought of Josh. I looked down at the couch.

Christofer put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up. "Hey, forget about Josh. You've got me and I'm pretty sure I can treat you way better than he ever could." I looked at his eyes, then his lips, then back at his eyes. 

"Thank you." I said softly, clearing my throat. 

Christofer leaned closer to me. He put his hand on my face. His fingers were locked behind my neck and his thumb was gently rubbing my cheek. Slowly, he came closer to my face. He looked at my eyes, then my lips and vice versa. I could feel his warm breath in my face. Eventually, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips against mine. When I felt his lips, I closed my eyes as well and kissed him back. Suddenly, I heard foot steps coming closer to us. Christofer stopped kissing me to find Miranda standing right in front of us. 

"Who the hell is this bitch?!" Miranda gestured at me. 

"What the hell are you doing here and how the fuck did you get inside my house?!" Christofer stood up. 

"I came from the back door. Plus, I wanted to surprise you because I never get to spend time with you but instead I come to your house and find you kissing some skank." She gave me a dirty look.

"Excuse me but who are you?" I stood up beside Christofer.

"I'm Miranda, Christofer's GIRLFRIEND! Who the fuck are you?" She crossed her arms.

"Girlfriend?" I started giving Christofer a dirty look. He looked at me with disappointment on his face.

"You're pathetic." I ran towards the door.

"Trinity, wait! I can explain!" He yelled and ran after me. I stopped and turned around to face him.

"Don't bother explaining anything Christofer! You know what, I'll explain it for you. You basically lead me on, thinking that I'd fall in love with you. Well, I did! I hope you got what you wanted!" I opened the door. Christofer grabbed my arm before I could run out.

"Trinity, that's not what I wanted!" I tried yanking my arm out of his hand. 

"Let me go." I started breaking down.

"Just let me explain.." He insisted.

"I SAID LET ME GO!" I yelled. He instantly let me go and I ran off and shut the door behind me. 

"So, who was she?" Miranda asked with attitude.

"None of your fucking business and you know what? I'm done with your slutty ass. Get out of my house before I call security." Christofer warned her. 

"Whatever. Just watch out Christofer. Karma always comes back around." She left through the back door.

Christofer sat down on the couch with his head down. His hands were at the back of his head. He stood up, grabbed a bowl that was on the table, and threw it against the wall, releasing his anger. Meanwhile, I was crying on the way home. I was devastated. Christofer lead me on! He didn't mention anything about having a girlfriend. I started gaining feelings for him as well! This was just like the Josh situation, except I wasn't the one who got cheated on. All of these thoughts and feelings made me cry even more. I couldn't take it! In order to get home, I needed to take the bus. I wiped my tears so no one would see me weeping. I tried to calm down but I was still sniffling from the tears. This was probably the worst day of my life. Wait, I lied. This was the second worst day of my life. 

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