Chapter 2

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I'll probably add more later in the day but for now, this is the next chapter! Enjoy! - Whitknee

Chapter 2 

By the time I arrived home, it was already close to five. No one was home except for my mom. I guess my brothers had gone out. I looked around the house to see where my mom was. I decided to check her room. I'm not surprised. My mom was obviously in her room. What was she doing? Playing Farmville as usual. My mom was addicted to that game. I opened the door and walked into her room. The sound of my footsteps made her turn around. 

"Oh hey! How was work?" She asked.

"Typical. It was tiring as usual. Tell me again why I wanted to get a summer job working at Starbucks?" I collasped on her bed.

"You needed money for the summer and I wasn't going to give it to you." She chuckled.

"Oh right. But why Starbucks?" I mumbled. My face was stuck on the cold side of my mother's pillow.

"You said you were willing to work anywhere because all you wanted was the money." My mom closed her Farmville game and sat next to me. I sat up from the bed.

"Oh yeah. Remind me to keep my mouth shut." My mom and I laughed. 

"Well hopefully tomorrow isn't so bad." She rubbed my back.

"About that, can you call in sick tomorrow? I really don't want to go." I begged.

"Why? What's happening tomorrow?" She was curious. I could see it in her eyes.

"Well, some band called Never Shout Never is going to be performing. When I was leaving the store, I noticed a huge crowd of people just waiting to buy tickets. Plus, people were setting up the stage." I explained.

"I don't see where this is going hunny." My mom started walking down the stairs to head to the kitchen. I followed her so I could explain more.

"Don't you see? Starbucks is right beside the show. People are going to be sweating. They'll need something to cool them off. Get it now?" I asked sarcastically. My mom turned around and faced me. 

"Yeah, and they'll need someone to take their orders and prepare their drinks. I know it's going to be hard tomorrow but once it's over, you'll be fine." She kissed my forehead and patted my head.

"I have to prepare dinner now." She walked into the kitchen. 

I decided to go to my room and eat my lunch there. I hated eating my lunch at dinner. I'd have to move my dinner at eight or nine which is right before my bedtime. I couldn't really do anything about it since I have a job to keep. 

While I was eating my lunch, my best friend, Alyssa, called my cellphone. Alyssa was one of my closest friends. She was always there for me. I could rely on her for anything. She told me everything and vice versa. Like the time she caught my ex, Josh, kissing another girl in the school cafeteria. Josh is one of those preppy guys that loved to look good. He was extremely attractive which is why a lot of girls in our school were after him. Anyways, I wasn't in school that day but Alyssa was. The next day, she told me everything that she saw. That same day, I broke up with him and made a scene in front of everyone. Alyssa wanted to have a fight with Josh but I told her it wasn't worth it. My relationship with Josh lasted for almost a year. I went through months of depression and never decided to get too attached to boys ever again. All I needed was Alyssa and my family. 

"Hey Alyssa!" I answered her phone call.

"Hey Whitney! What's up?" She asked.

"I'm just eating my lunch. How about you?" I took a bite out of my sub. 

"But it's almost six o'clock. What about dinner?" Alyssa looked at her clock.

"Yeah, I'll eat my dinner later tonight. So how's everything with you?" I was curious.

"Oh my gosh! You'll never believe what I just got!" Alyssa had excitement in her voice.

"Is it One Direction's new album?!" My eyes lit up. 

"No, even better! I got a ticket to Never Shout Never's show! I can't wait!" She made a squeaky voice.

"You know them as well?" I wondered.

"Of course! I was waiting in line today for five hours! I can't miss out on this show!" She explained.

"Are you kidding me? I was working at the Starbucks that's right beside the stage. After I was leaving, I saw them setting up and people were still there." I pointed out.

"Damn, I could've visited you at your work or something. Oh well, I can do that tomorrow." She smiled.

"I don't know if I'm going to work tomorrow. There's going to be a lot of people at Yonge & Dundas and they'll be thirsty for drinks and stuff. It's just going to be a lot of hard work. I don't think I'll manage." I complained.

"Come on Trinity. It's just for one day. Plus, I'll need some company after the show. Can you please come?" Alyssa begged. I thought about it.

"You know what? Fine I'll go. But if I die, you're taking all responsibility." We both laughed.

"I better go. My dinner is ready. See you tomorrow Trinity. Buhbye!" She hung up. 

I hung up as well. Just before I could my phone down, I received a text message from someone. It was Josh. Now what the hell does this asshole want? I opened the message.

Josh: "Hey Trinity. I know you probably don't want to see me ever again but I was wondering if you could just give me a chance so we could talk." 

It's been four months since this jerk cheated on me. He thinks that a small conversation is going to change my feelings. No, I don't think so. I ignored his message and threw my phone over my shoulder. I went through depression because of him. I couldn't take the risk again. I finished my lunch and decided to take a nap. My body was aching so much that it was literally sending signals to my brain. It didn't take me very long to fall asleep. Just shows how tired I was. 

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