Chapter 6

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This chapter is going to have POVs. Each perspective will be from Trinity's and Christofer's perspective. The first POV will start with Trinity. Enjoy! - Whitknee

Chapter 6

Christofer: "Good morning beautiful. <3" 

That's the text I woke up too. Seeing that text made me get butterflies in my stomach. I knew I had feelings but I couldn't say I was falling for Christofer because it's just been two days. Plus, I needed to see how our "date" would work out. The good morning text reminded me of Josh. He would say the exact same thing. At this point, I started getting mixed emotions. Did I have feelings for Josh or Christofer? What was my heart trying to tell me? I just couldn't figure it out. 

My mom called me downstairs for breakfast. She made sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs with orange juice. Your typical breakfast for a typical family. Looking at my mom, I could tell that she was tired. Ever since my dad left, my mom has been doing everything for this family. She's been providing us with food on the table and clothes on our body. I don't know how she does it but all I know is that she has a lot of strength to make it this far. 

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower now. I'm sweating like a pig!" She wiped her forehead with a damp cloth. 

"Oh before you go.." I swallowed my food. "Christofer invited me for ice cream at the park. What time do you want me to come home?" I asked.

"Be careful. Who knows what could happen and be home before midnight, or I'll call the police." She warned me.

"Thanks mom! You're the best!" I ran up the her and gave her a hug. She patted me on the back and went upstairs to take a shower. I continued to eat my breakfast and watched tv. 

*Christofer's POV*

I sent Trinity and Miranda a good morning text. Miranda didn't even say good morning back. She jumped right to the problem. She started asking me a bunch of questions as to why I didn't call her last night. I told her straight up that I was talking to a friend and that she has nothing to worry about. Miranda can be a bit too clingy and sometimes, I feel like she doesn't trust me. I understand why though. I don't get to see Miranda a lot since I'm on tour and performing shows around the world. Miranda means a lot to me but sometimes I need space to breathe. When I was talking to Trinity on the phone, she was a lot of fun. Something about her caught my attention. I'm not falling for Trinity but I know the feelings are there. I wanted to get to know Trinity more, so I organized a date today. Now I just had to cancel my plans with Dylan. 

Dylan was my best friend. He's like a brother to me. We've been best friends ever since we were little kids. I'm sure canceling one plan wouldn't bother him. Plus, I see him almost every single day. Dylan travels on tour with me. Trinity on the other hand, doesn't. Hopefully, Dylan understands. I decided to give him a call and find out. 

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Dylan! Look buddy, we're going to have to cancel our plans today. I've got something more important to do." I explained.

"Aw, seriously? What's the big plan?" He asked.

"I don't know if I should say it." I could never really trust Dylan. Even though he's my best buddy, he sure does have a big mouth. 

"Does it involve Miranda?" He questioned me.

"Kind of. Listen, what I'm about to tell you, you seriously need to keep your mouth shut about it. No one, not even your mom, needs to know about this." I warned Dylan. This was serious.

"Okay dude, just spill." Someone was really anxious to know.

"I'm going on a date to the park with this girl named Trinity. She's beautiful bro. I met her at Starbucks after the show yesterday. I'm actually starting to get feelings for her because we spoke on the phone for a long time and we actually have a lot in common. She's interesting and I feel like I can't lose her." I let out everything to Dylan. 

"Dude, you can't be going on a date with another girl when you're dating Miranda. That's basically cheating." He explained. 

"What the hell do you not understand about keeping your mouth shut? That's why I don't want anyone to know." I was irritated.

"Well, going to the park for a date won't help as much either. Your fans know you're dating Miranda. If one of them catches you they'll take pictures, post them online,  and Miranda will find out eventually." Dylan had a good point.

"You're right. Where should I have the date then?" I started thinking.

"Why not just have it at your place? Watch a movie and order food." Dylan suggested.

"Oh yeah! Thanks bro!" I felt a lot better about this situation.

"Funny, because that's what we were supposed to do." Dylan felt left out.

"Sorry man, maybe next time. I'll talk to you later." I hung up. 

Dylan was wrong. I'm not cheating on Miranda. It's only cheating if I kissed Trinity, which I'm pretty sure won't happen. I decided to text her and let her know that I changed our plans for the date. At least we'll have privacy. 

*Trinity's POV*

After finishing up breakfast and putting away the dishes, I recieved a text message from Christofer. Apparently, we're not going for ice cream anymore. We're going to his house to watch a movie and order in food. That was fine with me anyways. I didn't want Christofer to spend a lot of money on me. I replied back to his text message.

Trinity: "Okay, that's great! Thanks for letting me know before hand. :)" 

Right when I finished replying to Christofer, Josh called me. This time, I didn't ignore it. I wanted to know what his problem was. Why wouldn't he leave me alone? When I answered his call, I spoke as clear as possible. I didn't even get butterflies. I think I knew what this meant. I was officially over Josh. 

"What do you want Josh?" I had an annoyed tone in my voice.

"I want another chance. Would you please forgive me? I really want to make it up to you!" He begged.

"So after four months, now you decide to ask for my forgiveness? No, I don't think so Josh! Once a cheater, always a cheater. You can't that back! Now fuck off Josh! I'm not interested anymore!" I hung up on him. 

I started breathing heavily. Boy, that felt good to finally take out. I was keeping my emotions all stacked up inside that I never really had a chance to express them. After thinking about what I said, I realized it was kind of harsh. He deserved it though. What he did was actually a lot worse. Anyways, I couldn't be bothered with him. 

*Christofer's & Trinity's POV* 

It was time to get ready. I was seeing him/her in a few hours. All these butterflies in my stomach. They would always appear whenever I thought of him/her. I needed to make a good impression. So it's time to get started on my outfit selection. I opened my closet.

"Let's get started." I spoke to myself.

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