Chapter 11

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As you all know from Chapter 10, I'm adding a new character to the story. My best friend, @XelleBee, is helping me write the rest of the chapters. It was her idea to add a new character. So basically, we're collabing together because I can't really do this on my own and lately, I haven't had spare time to update new chapters. Also, you can check out my best friend's account (@XelleBee) for updates or anything. By the way, this chapter is going to have POVs since we're adding in a new character. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! - Whitknee & XelleBee

Chapter 11

*Trinity's POV*

Instead of heading straight to Montreal, I went straight home. It's been years since I've seen  Kerah's beautiful face. We had a lot of catching up to do. But first, I needed to know if Kerah was down to take me to Montreal. This was important to me so hopefully Kerah would have an open heart about it. 

As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room changed out of my uniform. All I had on was a t-shirt and shorts. I locked the door so no one could come in. Thinking about my family members, should I tell them that I was going to Montreal or should I keep it a secret? I decided to write a note to my mom and leave it on the kitchen table. My mom wasn't home so I couldn't tell her straight to her face. After I was done that, I ran back upstairs and pulled out my suitcase. Hopefully this trip wouldn't take too long. I packed three or four t-shirts, jeans, underwear, bras and two pairs of shoes. I even grabbed a hundred dollars from my wallet. That was my whole paycheck from working at Starbucks. 

I was done packing so I went downstairs to the living. I planted my suitcase next to the door and sat on the couch. I tried calling Christofer one more time. He never picked up. I had this feeling that Christofer's phone wasn't off and that he was just ignoring me. But I wasn't going to give up. I have faith in myself.

Christofer was important to me. I know it may sound a little too early to say that but, I really didn't care. Anyone who steps into my life, becomes important. I wanted Christofer back. He was done with Miranda so this was a good idea. I couldn't let him slip away. I want all those butterflies, smiles, laughs and jokes to come back. I miss all of it.

*Kerah's POV*

Is that it for me? I mean after Trinity asked me to go to Montreal, of course I said yes. She was my best friend and whatever was important to her, was important to me. However, when she told me her story, I paced around the apartment. I even wrote lyrics. I wasn't sure when my time would come.  

"You'll find me." He'd say.

"Well, how can you be so damn sure, D? Trinity found her love and the only thing close to a relationship that I have are you or my cats." I replied doubtfully.

"Just because I'm imaginary, it doesn't mean I can't love you." D said with his daring smile. "I can't help it."

"Yeah, but I also don't need people even seeing me talk to you for them to know I'm crazy." I sat down on my couch rubbing my temples, as D slowly faded from the room. He knows he got me upset and it's time for him to leave.

Well Reader, you're obviously confused, how could I expect you not to be? D's all in my head. My imaginary love. We joke, we laugh, and he makes me the most happiest person in the world. Then it all comes flooding back to me, realizing he's just a figure of my imagination. I let out a huge sigh. Would I honestly ever find love?   I wandered into the kitchen to get something to eat before leaving the house. As I stepped on the cold tile, my phone started ringing. Oh joy, not this again..  

I answered the call. "What now, Noah?"

"What I've been asking every damn time I call, Kara," Noah said, his speech slurred. He always got my name wrong everytime he called. "I'm so damn sick of it."

"Then why the hell are you calling again? I thought we closed this shit already, it's done." I spat back. My anger was rising uncontrollably.

"The fuck you so iffy for Kella? So damn confusing, make no sense." I could hear the same anger in his voice as I heard in mine. I could tell he was intoxicated from the moment I picked up the phone, and I was regretting it entirely. He's like a lost puppy on Christmas and doesn't know what to do with his drunkness. So he bothers me. Great. An angry Kerah and a drunk ex is NOT a good mix.

"'Cause you never call for a good enough reason. You broke up with me anyways, so I don't understand why you're still calling!" I hung up the phone before he could reply and threw it on my couch and walked back into the kitchen.

Every damn time he calls, he pisses me off. I made a smoked beef sandwich with mustard on rye. Mama's favourite. As I took a bite out of my sandwich, I eyed the stereo with interest. I plugged in my iPod and Pilot Jones shifted through the speakers. My focus went back to my sandwich and I devoured it subconciously. I had a glass of water and put all the dishes away. When I was done with the boring stuff, I went to go pack up the rest of my clothes for me and Trinity's trip. When my speakers played The Zone, I was fitting the last pair of shorts into my suitcase. I had a quick look-see through the house to make sure everything was okay.

"Air conditioner off? Check."

"Cats fed? Check."

"Dishes? Check."

"Luggage? Check."

"Me? Most definitely check." D said in my ear. "Could never leave me behind, could you Kerah?"

"D's ego? Check." I said with a laugh.

He knew when I felt better and he just made it 10 times better. I carried my suitcase to the front door and knelt down to say goodbye to my cats, Micah and Tiger. "Bye my snoogykins, yes, mommy will be back soon!" I said in a baby voice as I gave them kisses on the head and scratches on their necks. Or as my mother calls them, scritches.

I dragged the suitcase out into the hall, locked the door, pressed the elevator button, and waited. The doors opened, already inside was Mrs. Carrier, the nice old lady on the twenty second floor. You know the grandma kind that makes those soft chocolate chip cookies? That's her. I pressed B1 when she turned to me with her knowing eyes.

"Why hello sweetheart, where are you off too?" She said with that sweet smile of her's.



"Yippy, it's not nice to interrupt people like that! I've taught you better than this." Mrs. Carrier said. "What were you saying, Pumpkin?"  I swear that dog hates me. Or my cats. Pick or choose.  

"I'm off on a roadtrip with my friend Trinity." I said with a smile.

"Ouu, going after a boy, huh?" She said with a wink.

"Haha yes actually, she is. He's the lead singer of a band." My heart sunk a little bit when I thought about it.

"Ouhuhuhuh did she strike lucky or what!" She exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh as we got to Lobby level and she got off. I got off at the basement level where I park my car and walked up to the trunk, put my suitcase in and got inside. I put the key in the igniton and backed out on my way to Trinity's. I called her and put it on speaker.

"Hello, Kerah?" Trinity picked up on the other end.

"Yeah, Mouse? Come outside! I'm like 10 minutes away." Trinity and I used to joke around in elementary school. I used to call her a mouse and she would call me a playtpus. Igenious, huh?

"Waaaait, do you think Christofer will like dark blue -"

"Trinity ..." I said warningly.

"Haha, okay. I'll be down in 10." She said back. We said bye and I hung up the phone.

Just as I was driving down the main road, you wouldn't even be able to guess who I saw. Noah, walking drunk, towards my apartment building. He doesn't know when to give up, does he? I stepped on the gas so he wouldn't see my Jag, and took a right. I drove up in front of Trinity's house and she was already outside. I popped the trunk and she put her bag in the back, and got in the passenger seat.

"See you chose dark blue." I said with a smile as I pulled into gear.

"Well smartass, I have my bleached pair in the trunk." She said, as she laughed. I pulled out of the small parking lot, and off towards the highway.

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